I’ve just realized that it is definitely possible to do something that I hadn’t thought could be done: Significantly increase one’s ability to become wealthy. Most people. Most of the time.

Finance concept: target and Success on wall backgroundFor years I knew that people could make radical changes in their behavior and stop their negative feelings. In other words, it was relatively easy to stop the “negative.” It was quite another thing to be able to create a “positive.” Especially a positive “reality.”

There are too many things involved in having the perfect life partner show up other than merely getting rid of limiting beliefs and occurrings. For example, you are far less likely to find someone who loves the outdoors at a book club than at a hiking club. The same is true for accumulating wealth: No matter what beliefs or occurrings you have or don’t have—if you want to sell something that no one wants or needs, or if you market to the wrong audience, you probably won’t be successful.

What I now realize in a way I hadn’t before is that, while it might not be possible to insure wealth creation, it is possible to insure eliminating most of the significant barriers to taking the actions that lead to success in all areas of life, including the ability to accumulate wealth.

Specifically, here’s what I understand more fully about success today than I did before. You don’t have to be able to promise specific results if you can promise to eliminate the barriers to achieving the results. For most people, most of the time, that will be sufficient.

First: the role of fundamental beliefs

If you haven’t been as successful as you would like in any area—especially if you haven’t reached the level of financial success that you would like—ask yourself these questions:

  • What are your chances for success if your fear of making a mistake or failing stops you from taking action?
  • What are your chances for success if your fear of getting rejected when you make a mistake stops you from taking action?
  • What are your chances for success if your concern about what others will think of what you’re trying to do or about your results stops you from taking action?
  • What are your chances for success if your feeling that your self-worth is a function of doing things perfectly stops you from taking action?
  • What are your chances for success if your lack of confidence in your ability stops you from taking action?
  • What are your chances for success if your belief that money is hard to get stops you from taking action?
  • What are your chances for success if your expectation that achieving what you want will be very difficult stops you from taking action?
  • What are your chances for success if your thought that you don’t deserve to be successful stops you from taking action?

Obviously, slim to nil. Fortunately, with the right approach these barriers can be removed for good.

The primary beliefs that cause each of these barriers are:

  • Mistakes and failures are bad.
  • If I make a mistake or fail I’ll be rejected.
  • What makes me good enough or important is having people think well or me.
  • What makes me good enough or important is doing things perfectly.
  • I’m not good enough; I’m not capable; I’m not competent; I’m powerless.
  • You have to work hard to make money. Money is a struggle.
  • Life is difficult.
  • I’m not deserving.

While eliminating these and other relevant beliefs won’t guarantee that you will achieve success in finding the mate of your dreams or in making a lot of money, you will significantly improve your chances for success by eliminating the beliefs that create roadblocks.

Second: the role of occurrings

In addition to our generalized beliefs (the meanings we have formed about ourselves, people, and life that act as a filter through which we view and interact with reality), we give meaning to specific events as they happen all day long. I define how events occur to us our “occurrings.” These occurrings (that exist only in our minds) seem to be part of the events and cause most of our negative feelings and significantly limit our possibilities for taking action.

  • What are your chances for success if the meaning you give to every minor setback is: I knew I couldn’t do it? Or, it’s not really worth the effort? Or, he/she can’t be trusted to do what he/she promised?
  • What are your chances for success if the meaning you give to someone saying, “no,” is: I knew I couldn’t get what I wanted?
  • What are your chances for success if the meaning you give to an unforeseen obstacle is: I knew something would go wrong?
  • And, even more importantly, what if most of our daily occurrings lead to the emotion of fear?

Again, obviously your chances for success are severely diminished if you have frequent negative occurrings with accompanying negative emotions such as fear.

Although beliefs are a primary source of occurrings, it is very difficult to find and unlearn all the beliefs that can cause occurrings. After unlearning hundreds of beliefs over a 25-year-period, I still had a lot of occurrings. You also need to be able to dissolve occurrings and their resulting emotions. When you can do that, you’ve acquired the ability to overcome one of the most important barriers to success.

Third: the role of an “I can’t ….” mindset

I’ve written on several occasions about the mindset that I think made Steve Jobs so successful. While most people operate with a mindset that sees a multitude of things that can’t be done whenever they try to achieve any goal, Steve didn’t think anything couldn’t be done. Or to put it positively, he seemed to believe that virtually anything was possible. He operated as if what people thought was impossible was merely something that people agreed was impossible, not that it really was.

He once said: “Life can be much broader once you discover one simple fact: Everything around you that you call life was made up by people who were no smarter than you. The minute that you can understand that … that you can change it, you can poke it, that’s maybe the most important thing.”

Jobs understood something that very few other people do: What most people consider to be “the reality that exists out there,” is, in fact, something that people make up.

Most of the barriers to achieving your goals—whatever they might be, that people assume exist in the world—exist instead in your mind.

The reality most people accept is a manifestation of their accumulated “I can’t …” beliefs, which show up in a mindset characterized by limitations.

  • I can’t find the money I need.
  • I can’t find the right employees for the job.
  • I can’t get an agent/publisher for my book.
  • I can’t get my boss to (almost anything).
  • I can’t find my soul mate/person of my dreams.
  • I can’t (fill in the blank).

These “I can’t …” beliefs are unique to each person and each goal, but they can totally stop you from achieving the success you are striving for in any field of endeavor. It is possible to learn to identify this specific type of limiting belief and eliminate it in a matter of minutes.

Operating out of the Steve Jobs’ Success Mindset won’t guarantee you the level of success Jobs had, but seeing possibilities where others see barriers will make it much more likely for you to achieve a significant level of success in whatever area you are focusing on. Why? Because you will see many possibilities for solving problems that most other people, given their conventional mindset, can’t see.

Fourth: the role of other elements of
a mindset of limitless possibilities

In a recent blog post I wrote that we often allow things we aren’t sure how to handle to stop totally when we say something like, “I want to achieve my goals, but ….” Merely considering something to be an obstacle to achieving a goal will likely result in it becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy. As I’ve explained, simply by considering any “but” that prevents you from achieving a goal to be part of the goal itself will eliminate that “but” as a psychological obstacle. This simple mental activity will enable you to take action that you had been unable to take before.

There are many other mental “tricks” like this one that will profoundly affect your ability to achieve the success that has eluded you this far. Learning how to use them all consistently as part of a success mindset would be part of this new program I have in mind.

Put it all together and achieve your dreams of success

I’m not sure the best way to offer all this to you as a simple package, but I’m sure we’ll figure out something. In the meantime, I’m excited to be able to report that I am now convinced that you can drastically increase your ability to be significantly more successful in all areas of life, including your ability to make more money and accumulate more wealth.

How to find out more

If you’d like to find out more about this program when it’s available, please click here.


Copyright © 2015 Morty Lefkoe


  1. Line February 8, 2015 at 3:06 am - Reply

    Hey Morty, your wise wife told me to read this artlcle, and as one must, I followed her orders! LOL. Of course she was right. It is the perfect article for me right now. I just wanted to say how inspired and grateful I am for your unrelentless pursuit to find solutions and opportunities for people to overcome their limitations and live their potential. The domino effect must be infinite, we may never truly know how impactful TLM is on the world, but I would bet my life it is monumentous. Thanks for all you are doing and looking forward to the next phase!

  2. LaurenLL February 1, 2015 at 2:16 pm - Reply

    I’ve successfully quit using the word “but” in my everyday speech and in writing and am moving forward creating a writing program for myself as well as a walking program. Your ideas and practical programs continue to be a part of my life and I’m happy and excited about today and the future.
    Love and Light,

  3. Joseann January 31, 2015 at 3:08 am - Reply

    As always, very deep and thoughtprovoking. I am wondering about this by Steve Jobs: “Life can be much broader once you discover one simple fact: Everything around you that you call life was made up by people who were no smarter than you. The minute that you can understand that … that you can change it, you can poke it, that’s maybe the most important thing.”
    I have understood the first part already as a child. The point is: being smarter and understanding it doesn’t guarantee you can change it and THAT is the difference between Steve Jobs and others, may be.

    “Less smarter” people have 1 big advantage: less doubt. And that means: more determination, conviction, obstinacy, selfrighteousness or whatever you want to call it. If you want to change what they created, your power needs to be greater than the power behind the people who “created what is around you” and NOT everybody has this power. Steve Jobs did (one reason is his name. There are names that give you an immense spiritual power and others don’t. A very simple ingredient in the universal mix that nobody seems to want to talk about, even thought it says: nomen est omen). I think, most important is to learn how to find the environment for yourself where your power or energy suffices to create the success you want (or change your name, for that matter).

    • Raja January 31, 2015 at 5:30 pm - Reply

      I am not sure about names having too much power. Had this been the case over the centuries some common names would have risen to the top. Same name in another language may be different or even have a different meaning. To me it is plausible that there is a belief that’s behind your believing that names have serious power behind them.

      For me the idea that I would be a prisoner of the random name given to me isn’t something that holds weight. Maybe you have more understanding, but I believe in making my own path and creating my own future irrespective of my name. There have been many with the name Albert and many with the name Napoleon but only two have risen to the top. I can imagine here someone saying the stars position and other factors if set in proper alignment would determine the optimal name. The same way palmists and astrologers get lost in the complexities of correlation of events.

      Correlation of events even though quite clear doesn’t mean there’s a causal relationship. As an example, in economic booms women’s skirts get shorter. This doesn’t imply that if we have a recession then by forcing a shorter skirt on women is going to bring about an economic boom.

      Despite all this I am open to the idea that maybe there is some effect due to name. Trying the “Occurring” process though has lowered my worry about all this “superstitious” stuff. I can accept I may be wrong but to live my life on the idea that name is the key is rather too limiting for me.


  4. CJ January 28, 2015 at 7:19 pm - Reply

    Wow. This is one of the best articles on success that I have read. The insights that Morty shares here are awesome. I think a program from Morty on success would be fantastic. I have gone through the Natural Confidence program and it made a great impact on my life without a doubt. Thank you Morty for your wisdom. Keep it coming, CJ

  5. Cristyna January 28, 2015 at 7:12 am - Reply

    Tthank you , dear Morthy

    ..for such a excellent article.I landed to your website some moths ago and ice than
    I fallow your wonderful work.

    Indeed , one of the greatest obstacle it is constantly construct of our mind.

    There when it is produced that happy shift ..there it is the moment when
    we release all of our negative beliefs.

    It is a great chance that I have meet o virtual way and I know that I
    want to fallow an online course of you.
    In this way I help myself and others to release fears and to
    embrace again their life .

    My best greetings,

  6. Ila January 28, 2015 at 5:15 am - Reply

    if i do unworthy jobs then i am not worthy.

    if i do less important things or jobs then i am not important

    if i solve problems then i am worthy

    those are my believes. :)

  7. Cody Mann January 28, 2015 at 1:10 am - Reply

    Great article Morty!!

    I have been trying to get things going with internet marketing while I’m in college about to graduate and doing something that I now know I’m not going to do when I graduate. This article was exactly what I needed to hear because I’ve been a little worried lately with all of the obstacles that I have to overcome to get to where I want to. I know I can do it, but at times it gets hard and the more I think about it the more pressure I put on myself. Most people have the mindset that things can’t be done because it requires a lot of work, but in the end if you put forth the effort the result can be mind-blowing!

    I will continue to push forward no matter what though because I know that there is nothing I would rather do than what I am doing now. I want to help people achieve their dreams and find their purpose and I am one step closer to achieving that once I KNOW that I can do it and don’t give up until it happens, no excuses!

    -Cody Mann

  8. Raja January 27, 2015 at 6:40 pm - Reply

    As I sit here contemplating the plethora of ideas, each a nugget, so generously shared by the author, I can’t help but marvel at the marvelous journey that has uncovered these truths. So much is so accessible and so easily available the mind wonders in awe at the majesty this Earth can turn into, and is turning into, due to these life altering, mind boggling, swift, and easy steps to a transformation. A transformation not unlike a caterpillar turning into a beautiful and colorful butterfly. I know, I know: Events have not inherent meaning. Hence, the caterpillar is equally beautiful with it’s own unique colors.

    For me the journey has accelerated. The NC course changed things subtly, like the shifting of tectonics, recreating new land and new life. The identification of the “Occurrance” in my case has been a most profound yet silent revolution in the evolution of mankind. This quiet but steady wind has the potential to transform human interactions and life as we know it. I can foresee a world where we learn about wars only in history books, next to dinosaurs, both extinct.

    Even though I am using the articles written by Morty to achieve my own freedom, the results even in the first week or so have been breathtaking. I feel like a bird realizing it has the ability to soar. Yes, there are problems, and yes, there are setbacks, but all a learning experience. The wings are getting stronger and the bird is not likely to stay grounded for long. For the first time in my life I am beginning to breathe fresh air. Oh what wonder the air of the skies shall be! Here I come world … here I come… .


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