Every week I write a blog post on how to use the various processes of The Lefkoe Method (TLM) to change something in your life, for example, how to stop undesirable behavior and feelings, how to stop stress and emotional suffering, and how to start taking actions you keep putting off.

Far away spiral galaxy.I think what I say is true, but … and here comes a big “but.” Because all knowledge is contextual and what we “know” to be true often turns out years later to be only a partial truth, there is nothing I’ve said about TLM that is true for all people, under all circumstances, for all time.

I thought all feelings were caused by beliefs

For example, for almost 12 years I thought that our feelings were caused by beliefs and if one could identify and unlearn all of the relevant beliefs, the feelings could be eliminated. For example, if people made a mistake and had the belief, Mistakes and failure are bad, they would feel fear. Unlearn the belief and making a mistake would no longer cause fear.

That worked (and still works) for many people for many feelings, but for some people, eliminating beliefs wasn’t enough to make feelings disappear. They needed something more.

I finally realized that stimulus conditioning caused many of the feelings that many people experience. For example, many people become conditioned to experience fear when they don’t live up to people’s expectations. When I discovered that I had to create the Lefkoe Stimulus Process to help people break the connection between a stimulus and their negative feeling. So it was still true that beliefs were the cause of feelings and that eliminating beliefs would eliminate feelings, but it was only partially true.

Then about 25 years after I created the Lefkoe Belief Process, I realized that although beliefs and conditionings were usually the ultimate cause of our feelings, our occurrings—the meaning we give to events at the time—were the immediate cause of most of our feelings. For example, if you ask someone you have a close relationship with to do something for you and he doesn’t do it, that failure would occur to many people as: He doesn’t care about me; if he did he would have gotten what I asked for. That occurring is what causes the feeling of anger or annoyance.

Conditionings still did cause some feelings and beliefs were still very relevant as they were the source of most of our occurrings, but what I thought was a universal truth was only partially true.

Here’s another example of this point: I’ve said for almost 30 years that our behavior is the result of our beliefs. Unlearn your beliefs and a change in behavior becomes almost automatic and is certainly very easy.

Adult stages of development are very relevant

I still think that is true … for the most part. But after studying adult stages of development I now realize that some of our behavior is largely a function of our stage of development. Beliefs are still very relevant and most behavioral problems—such as procrastination, trying to impress people, and being stopped by fear—can be changed totally by eliminating the relevant beliefs.

But our overall mindset, our values, and how we perceive the world is determined to a great extent by our stage of development. And that often determines our behavior.

I’ve realized that many of the processes I’ve created and ideas I’ve had about human behavior—that initially seemed like the full explanation for something—have turned out to be only partially true. I’m not questioning the effectiveness of TLM; I’m only stating that it is not a universal truth. I often discover a wider truth that includes what I had previously thought to be true, plus more.

This is true for all areas human knowledge. For example, quantum physics didn’t disprove Newtonian physics, but it showed that Newtonian physics was only a partial truth, applicable only to certain aspects of reality, not all of it.

Eliminate beliefs by manipulating energy?

At present I don’t know of anything that is as effective as the Lefkoe Belief Process for unlearning beliefs and the Lefkoe Freedom Process for dissolving occurrings.

And yet it might well be that our beliefs exist in us in the form of energy and someone who is able to see and interact directly with energy might be able to move energy in such as way as to permanently eliminate a belief that way, instead of with language like the Lefkoe Belief Process does. We can help people permanently unlearn a belief in 10-20 minutes. That’s a hell of a lot faster than most other systems. And yet, maybe someone will find a way to do it in a couple of minutes by manipulating our energy.

So here’s the bottom line: I’ll keep creating new processes (there are nine separate ones that constitute The Lefkoe Method at present) and telling you how to use them to significantly improve the quality of your life. I won’t tell you anything that I don’t have significant evidence for. And what I tell you will usually work for most people.

Nonetheless, someday I or someone else might well discover that what I’ve been telling you is only a partial truth and they or I have new processes or theories that transcend and still include what I’ve been saying.

The only thing that seems like a universal truth—something that’s true for everyone for all time—is that there are no universal truths … and that might not be a universal truth either.

What are some things you are convinced are universal truths? Are you sure?


Thanks for reading my blog. Please post your questions or comments on my contention that all knowledge is contextual and how what we are convinced are universal truths often turn out to be only partial truths. Disagreement is as welcome as agreement. Your comments add value for thousands of readers. I love to read them all and I will respond to as many as I can.

If you want others to improve their lives as you have with the information on my posts, please share this blog post with them by using the buttons located below.

If you haven’t yet eliminated at least one of your limiting self-esteem beliefs using the Lefkoe Belief Process, go to our interactive online belief-unlearning program where you can unlearn several limiting beliefs free.

You also can find out about Natural Confidence, an interactive digital program that enables you to unlearn 19 of the most common beliefs, which cause some of the most common behavioral and emotional problems that plague us.

Copyright © 2015 Morty Lefkoe


  1. JMP April 21, 2015 at 9:20 pm - Reply

    Psalm 62. 1 For God alone my soul waits in silence; from him comes my salvation. 2 He alone is my rock and my salvation, my fortress; I shall never be shaken.

    Psalm 62 is yet another way to transfigure any pain or so called negative thought or belief into Peace that surpasses all understanding. However it is not you who does it, rather by going inwardly silent anytime an issue arises, something Higher comes in and wipes all away for you. AKA God.

    Vernon Howard had a Great Quote that Covers TLM in one sentence, long before TLM was ever Created by ML.

    According to Morty, your Limiting Beliefs are caused by The Interpretation given to Events. Here is a Simple Quote that Explains how to resolve that.

    “Never Explain anything To Yourself From Yourself” ~ Vernon Howard

    Here is another,

    5 Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.

    6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

    Proverbs 3:5-6

  2. JMP April 21, 2015 at 9:09 pm - Reply

    There aren’t any Universal Truths? Here is one, The Moment is Everywhere, Simultaneously!

    Here is another, What Goes Around Comes Around – AKA The Law of Compensation

    Here is another, Do Not Judge Lest You Be Judged.

    Just to name a few :)

  3. JMP April 21, 2015 at 9:02 pm - Reply

    Morty, Here is something for you to Chew on. There is no Such Thing as a Negative Feeling. Yep you read that correct. If we didn’t have feelings, we would all be Robots. Without Feelings IE: Good or bad we would have no way of knowing that something was out of sorts within it us. Therefor any feeling can be a tool to show us what is out of balance. Once the Balance is corrected or the obstruction of energy is cleared balance returns and we call that, a state of Peace. Im Glad God made us with feelings, because otherwise I would never Know Love. Even though Love is per say More than a Feeling, but Feeling is a Very Big Part of our Human Experience of It.

  4. Erdal January 26, 2015 at 1:09 pm - Reply

    Hello Morty,

    I am convinced that everything is being created by a singular consciousness that is the source of everything. Nothing is separate from this consciousness, including us.

    Therefore, to really know how to change our reality we must completely surrender to this consciousness, understand and experience our unification with it, and then live from this unified state in harmony with its will. As long as we approach this problem from a perspective based upon a separate sense of self, our knowledge and mastery of reality will remain incomplete. How could a limited human mind contain the totality of the universal mind? Everything is in relationship with everything, there are not even separate events, but a continuity of existence. Within such complexity and scope, there will always be something outside our personal awareness, and experience in a single lifetime. Even all the knowledge of humanity is not likely to be significant next to infinity. So, how could this limited information create a reliable pathway for us? It would have been impossible to function in this complexity, if we solely relied on our individual minds. Both my logic and intuition tells me that we are divinely guided in all the moments of our life. Our approach to life can not just rely solely on our personal mind and be reliable at the same time. In fact, all I have written underlines that we must transcend the personal mind if we want to truly know what is going on.
    We are all doing this gradually aren’t we? But at some point, the personal mind must be completely transcended. The personal mind is a little little point of focus. But the universe is infinitely vast.

    • Morty Lefkoe January 26, 2015 at 1:32 pm - Reply

      Hi Erdal,

      Thanks for checking in.

      It’s always good hearing from you.

      I think I would agree with the essence of what you wrote.

      But I don’t think you can function as a human being without living in a dualistic world. Human beings are designed to function in a dualistic world.


      • Jes January 28, 2015 at 3:00 am - Reply

        “…I don’t think you can function as a human being without living in a dualistic world. ”

        I propose that you are teaching people to achieve non-duality via the “who I am really” ( aka “creator of your life”) exercise; a state free of all distinctions; with no limits and infinite possibilities. And, from which unconditionality/singularity/omni-presence and the myriad of other expressions of “non-duality” become manifest – usually as the feelings of pure Love, being “whole” or “complete” with “nothing missing”, “Powerful” and other transcendent states which Lefkoe clients typically describe.
        Compared to this state – humans are totally dysfunctional in the dualistic world.

        “Duality” (the absolute distinction of “Objectivity” from “subjective”) IS the very mechanism upon which most western languages operate. And, without which, they cannot exist – let alone describe concepts they are “not constituent” of – Especially “non-duality” – as the concept is totally in-congruent with the very structure of the (categorical) language itself

        “Unconditional love”, being “whole” or “complete” with “nothing missing”, “the possibility of all possibilities” and the various other states you are accustomed to clients reporting – these are the ways we experience the world before parents introduce conditionalities, before beliefs are formed and certainly before Language is acquired.

        Are we really “..designed to function in a dualistic world”?
        Or, have we simply “designed” a dualistic Model of the world?

        (At this point, I want to remind every one that “Formal Logic” is in fact a branch of Philosophy – Not science)

        Logic dictates that to address ‘Anything’ specifically – it must first be distinguished from ‘Everything’ else in the world. (dualism)

        In a Non-dual world, “Anything” IS “Everything”

      • Chuck February 2, 2015 at 8:54 pm - Reply

        Hi Morty,
        Thanks for the blog post. The adult stages of development are an intriguing model in which to contemplate human potential. I’d like to propose one more possible stage of development and ask a question.

        Following along the comments of Erdal and Jes, If the universe is truly is unified, and we are part of that whole, perhaps it is only our dualistic human beliefs that prevent us from seeing things as they really are (unified). Some religions and philosophies call this dualistic state an illusion.

        Just as our sleeping dreams are proof the mind can be completely fooled, we have no way of telling if our entire concept of self is just an illusion. Certainly your course materials have proved that aspects of self — specific beliefs — can be dissolved by separating beliefs from meaningless events.

        Taking this one step further, the elimination of all beliefs around self may be the key to what the Buddhists call “no-self” or “enlightenment.” This would be very rare, but may qualify as another stage of adult development.

        Which all leads to my question. I would like to use your methods to eliminate the beliefs I carry about being a separate self — which course or exercises would you recommend?

    • Jes May 13, 2015 at 2:02 am - Reply

      Erdal. “Therefore, to really know how to change our reality we must completely surrender to this consciousness” You’re right. It is a kind of surrender unimaginable. Synchronicity of Incalculable Power & Love.
      There is no going back the way we came.

      “singular consciousness that is the source of everything” YES! A higher dimensional process directs cause and effect in unison; a computer processing 0’s and 1’s. The Singularity is who you were before you were born. imposing “separation” until you no longer existed and your beliefs took its place cant go on

  5. George January 20, 2015 at 4:52 am - Reply

    I suspect that the longer you work on thus, the more generalised your bier will become, until it almost disappears! :-) For instance, you can capture beliefs and stimulus under the heading “memory traces left by previous experiences” + “memory activation”. These traces include the sensory pattern and feeling associated with an event. If part of the memory is triggered – by sensory input or a thought – the whole thing is activated in awareness: the senses,the feelings,the associated thoughts. Activate any one part of such a pattern – via an event, a behaviour or a thought – and the whole pattern is triggered. The end point of this is something like: An empty mind-space with accumulated patterns, which are formed by and subsequently in-form (shape) our experiences.

  6. Waronahr Ntau January 12, 2015 at 11:42 pm - Reply

    There is nothing to worry about discovering there is no universal truth. In science it happens that one theory can appear to explain a phenomenon today only to be replaced by another which contains the earlier one which explains the phenomenon more clearly. Netownian mechanics and Relativistic mechanics are such an example

  7. Steven January 12, 2015 at 5:20 am - Reply

    Loved your comment Lachie, very insightful.

    There is always the question of how do I become happy? Preferably fast. I’m not sure if there is a single silver bullet that always brings one out of a contracted mind state. Certainly examining “meanings” often works. For me, perhaps the most effective method is the most counter-intuitive.

    That is when I am grumpy, my method is to be grumpy. When I am angry, to be angry. When I am hateful, to be hateful. All with no attempt to do or be anything but what I am. Something magical seems to happen when I be as I am, without resistance. By doing that I seem to be able to work out my own insights. One of the keys about being irritated when I am irritated is not to blame it on someone else. If I start blaming I never get it sorted out.

  8. Lachlan January 10, 2015 at 9:49 pm - Reply

    Hi Morty, I’m sure you’re right about our view evolving as we grow in understanding; I keep discovering ‘truths’ almost every day and they are not all even ‘partly right’. My discoveries are often as I am waking up and this morning’s was especially helpful, and your readers might find it helpful for them, although I will not be surprised if everyone already knows this and I’m the last to discover it; I woke up thinking that ‘what I expect’ I can create is a type of ‘summary’ of my beliefs, meaning, e-motions and memories and defines the limits of what I can think, feel, do and create; and if I can ‘adjust’ my expectations, I will begin the think, feel and act with greater freedom; and as I did that, it seemed to work in that instant! and my expectations about what I can expect from myself, suddenly got brighter and things I had been struggling with opened up as real possibilities – so for me, expecting I can expect more from me created a instant change. Previously I tried to expect others to be or do certain things so I would feel better – that approach is not recommended! I hope others find this fun and useful. With love and gratitude, Lachie

  9. Steven January 10, 2015 at 3:21 pm - Reply

    The Ultimate truth is the Now moment. It is the only thing that is… by definition of is. Humans have the ability to remember the past and project the future and with that ability comes the ability to emotionally disconnect from the now moment.

    Ultimately “unhappiness” is about the future. Even if you regret the past, it is only because you’re worried that the past will affect your future.

    Faith in the power of love is therefore the ultimate cure. Faith… knowing that your ultimate destiny is perfect love, puts an end to all fear.

  10. Gary January 10, 2015 at 1:37 pm - Reply

    Hi Morty, something I’d love to hear from you about is whether attraction comes from meaning or not. When we look at a beautiful woman do we give it the meaning that she is beautiful? If so can we then give the meaning that someone is beautiful to whoever we want? If so that would be a useful skill for people in marriages who want to maintain intimacy. I’d love to hear your thoughts and I think it would make for an interesting blog post.

    Love what you’re doing,

  11. Angela Lord January 10, 2015 at 7:31 am - Reply

    I’ve looked and looked for absolute truths, aka The Truth(TM), and so far I haven’t found even one. That’s not to say, though, that any particular aspect of the truth I can see from the perspective I’m using in the moment isn’t true, valid, or useful.

    Hey, did you ever notice that “TLM” is also an acronym for “To Love Mankind”?

  12. J James January 9, 2015 at 11:21 am - Reply

    While I agree that there are foundational aspects across humanity in manifesting belief structures from mostly our childhood experiences, I feel that there may be other parts of a larger equation that we have yet to uncover – the veritable “missing links.” I do not feel as if the answers to what may be missing are found in conceptualized ideologies. In fact, they are often part of the problem in humanity developing belief structures to begin with. But I digress.

    Since everything is connected as forms of energy, when we seem to arrive at a belief and feel that we have it, are we just dialed into a portion of something more complex? Of course, this is not to say that anyone should give-up hope. What I do feel is important is in continuing to progress onward in discovering more efficient ways of healing mental and emotional pain and suffering because such processes are gravely needed amongst our largely dysfunctional society.

  13. LaurenLL January 8, 2015 at 9:23 pm - Reply

    Loved this post! I just read Ken Wilber’s “Integral Psychology” for the 3rd time and I swear I learn something new each time. Perhaps, for me, a universal truth would be “there will always be more questions than answers” and “there will always be something new to learn” and this, “awareness is only the beginning”. I feel as if I’m peeling the layers of my Self each day as I allow my consciousness to open.
    Love and Light in this New Year,

  14. John January 7, 2015 at 4:34 pm - Reply

    An ever changing individual reality, we don’t have a choice, sometimes that’s a good thing, sometimes a not so good thing. Eliminate the “society”, or collective reality, and that is almost always a good thing. Trying to understand a Universal reality is beyond human capacity….quit trying!

  15. Esther January 7, 2015 at 2:29 pm - Reply

    Dear Morty,

    You never fail to surprise me!! You are such an incredible being, full of love, generosity and transparency!!!! Life is a permanent movement and is never the same. And that’s what you are constantly discovering by opening new doors to where you thought was a wall. I think that the only truth is that we are not what we think we are, there is much more to us than our mind, brain, thoughts, beliefs and appearance. There is a higher intelligent force operating beyond our perception and a lot is unknown to us in this Universe. As we grow and open up, we discover new things, new ideas come to us and new ways of thinking begin to operate.
    You are one of those people operating on the cutting edge of human development and thus bringing new ways and ideas to others.

    Thank you for being you!!!!! Thank you for not being afraid to show your humanity and vulnerability and openly admit that you are not always right and there is more to learn and to discover. That what makes you so special!!


  16. John January 7, 2015 at 11:40 am - Reply

    A Universal Truth……”You can’t fix your brain with the one you have!”

  17. Cynthia January 7, 2015 at 9:05 am - Reply

    How I’d say this is, TLM isn’t the ULTIMATE truth. That is, what you’ve discovered IS true, but it may not be the WHOLE truth. It’s just what you’ve been able to discern and distinguish SO FAR. But as you grow and develop and inquire, you’re unpeeling additional layers of the onion, getting an ever more accurate understanding of our journey.

    I’m glad I found you and have been able to grow by following your leadership in uncovering progressively more explosive and exciting truths!


  18. Sally January 7, 2015 at 8:14 am - Reply

    What I believe to be a universal truth is that each individual human being experiences events in a unique way and therefore, creates unique meaning out of those events. Though most of us seem to seek connectedness with fellow human beings, this unique experience stands in our way of achieving true closeness with others. People are attracted to others who are similar in many ways. The attraction is really a confirmation that our way of thinking, being or even looking is “right” or “correct” or “valid,” etc.

    That’s the rub: we are separate, but strive to connect — constantly.

    What makes your work so challenging Morty, is that you seek to help the masses by creating a universal system of helping us all. I fully agree that you have come closer than most in your field to achieve this goal. I appreciate your authentic realization that universal truths may be ever-elusive. I agree.

    You can take away from this realization what you will. From my unique perspective, I am hoping it will leave you feeling more empowered to keep looking for solutions to the human condition as opposed to feeling overwhelmed by how much there is still to learn or discover. Vast is vast, but individuals such as yourself still make a great contribution to all humankind. This leads me to another possible universal truth: there will never be such a thing as a perfectly connected, harmonious moment of life, here on Earth.

    All the best,


  19. carmel January 7, 2015 at 7:42 am - Reply

    Hi Morty,
    To remain open is vital in life. Everything is energy. You have helped me and others with a lot of beliefs, it’s not the whole picture, if anything is.
    Feng shui is another way to look at how our spaces impact us no matter how much work we do on our physical and mental selves we will always have to interact with others and our spaces.
    I try to recognize that the other person is me and what I see in them is in me also,(not always nice) I also believe our children hold a mirror up to us if we are willing to look in and see ourselves reflected back.
    I believe we come here for experiences to grow and not all of what we see, do we like.
    Acceptance, let it be, or let it go, is a wonderful tool also.

  20. Joshua January 7, 2015 at 6:29 am - Reply

    This is accurate because objective reality is filtered through people’s beliefs and expectation – which makes it seem semi consistent. Thanks for the info! :)

  21. Kim Fedor January 7, 2015 at 6:20 am - Reply

    Hi Morty,
    I’ve never written but your post here was so open and honest – wonderfully vulnerable and perhaps born from yet one more “stage of development?'” I started thinking about universal truths, and your comment that there may not be any….. not sure.Maybe the only one is that everything is temporary. What works today may not work tomorrow because we change and evolve and grow and evolve some more? At the end of the day we know this, and maybe this is a universal truth – the time we have to operate in physical form is limited by the notion of all things temporary. Regardless I wanted to take a quick minute and thank you for your honesty. It’s quite refreshing in a world that gets caught up in always “knowing”.

  22. Jan Wind January 7, 2015 at 3:30 am - Reply

    Dear Morty,

    Very good you are keep open to possible progressive new insights and learning. That is what I also try to do.
    It may well be to the interaction between people like so called “positive” and “negative” energy is powerful and not so easily streamlined.
    A smile can do wonders but also sadness or anger from loved people in my surroundings can often really affect me.
    Distance is also of no influence. When I was in Vietnam I dreamed one night that my brother in law hugged me and said farewell. I learned three days later that he died that particular night in the Netherlands.
    -Jan Wind

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