During the past few weeks we have been conducting a little study to determine how effective our free on-line belief-elimination program is.

We know from our one-on-one sessions that The Lefkoe Method is effective with about 90% of the people who use it.  We’ve been offering a money-back guarantee to people who come to us to get rid of their fear of public speaking and only about 10% of the almost 2,000 clients who had that problem have requested a refund.  And in informal follow-ups with clients who come to us with other problems at least nine out of ten clients continue to describe significant changes in their lives months later.

But from blog comments and emails from people who eliminated one or more beliefs on our free belief-elimination site, it seemed that the effectiveness rate was much lower.

So we conducted a study and asked people to click one of three links at the end of the process that eliminated a free belief.  Here’s what we found.  Belief was eliminated: 44%.  Not sure if belief was eliminated: 44%.  Belief was not eliminated: 14%.

This result was totally inconsistent with our experience with clients in one-on-one sessions.  The 14% who said the belief was still there was close to our experience.  But the number who were convinced the belief was gone was only about half of our experience. So we asked people who participated in the study if they were willing to be interviewed so we could solve this mystery.

I’ve spent a lot of time on the phone for the past few days talking to people who had clicked the “not sure” button, and here’s what I discovered.

What I Just Did Is Impossible

Almost all of the people I spoke to said that the words of the belief felt different at the end of the Lefkoe Belief process, but they just couldn’t tell if the belief was “really eliminated.”  Almost all of them said something like: I didn’t expect it to work so quickly after having the belief so long.

I then asked, “Do you have the belief: Change is difficult and takes a long time?”  They all answered, yes.  The mystery was getting solved.  They had the belief that what they had just done (totally getting rid of a belief they had lived with since childhood) was impossible.


That reminded me of what I had discovered during the University of Arizona research study  with subjects who had a fear of public speaking.  After they eliminated all the beliefs and conditionings that usually cause a fear of public speaking, I would ask them to imagine a talk in the future and to rate their level of fear on a scale of 1-10, 1 being no fear at all and 10 being terror.  (The average for all the subjects at the start of the study was 7.)  Most of the subjects said 2-4.  Given the beliefs (and conditionings) they had eliminated, they should have said 1-2.

As I talked to the study subjects and asked a lot of questions, I started hearing comments like: Well, I can’t expect to get rid of a fear I’ve lived with for a lifetime in just a few hours.

So I added one more belief to the list of beliefs we used with the subjects: Change is difficult and takes a long time.  After the subjects eliminated that belief (along with the others) the level of imagined fear dropped to 1-2.  (That, by the way, was also the level they reported after they actually delivered a speech in public.)

Do I Feel The Belief in Real Life Situations?

The next thing I discovered from my phone interviews was that people were testing whether or not the belief was true by looking into their lives to check, which is one useful way to check.

Unfortunately, instead of imagining events in the future to see if the belief still seemed to be there, people were recalling events in the past when they felt the belief.

Because the belief actually did exist in the past, it felt to many people as if the belief was not gone. In order to see if the belief is gone, you need to imagine a future incident, the type that usually brought up feelings caused by the belief, to see if you still feel the belief.

When I did this exercise with the people who weren’t sure if the belief was gone, almost all agreed that it was.

But I Still Have The Problem

Some people had a sense that the belief was gone, but thought it couldn’t really be because they still didn’t feel good about themselves.  These people thought that the belief—I’m not good enough or I’m not important—couldn’t have really disappeared if they still had any negative feelings about themselves.

I explained to them that one can have many other negative beliefs about oneself—such as I’m not capable, I’m not worthy, Nothing I do is good enough, and I’m powerless—and getting rid of one negative self-esteem belief doesn’t automatically get rid of all the others.  You have to get rid of each of the negative self-esteem  beliefs you have before a negative sense of yourself will be totally eliminated, even though you will feel better about yourself in some way after eliminating each belief.

I Just Can’t Be Sure

In conversation after conversation, the people I talked to said: “I just couldn’t be sure.  The words felt different, but I couldn’t say for sure if the belief was really gone.”

There is an exercise my wife Shelly created to help clients determine if a belief really is gone.  She asks them to say the words “I’m a woman,” if they are a woman, or “I’m a man,” if they are a man.  Then she tells them to say the words: “I’m a monkey.”

The client is then able to notice how it feels to say a statement that feels true versus a statement that feels false.

After Shelly asks them to say the words of the belief they just worked on, she asks them: Does your belief feel like saying “I’m a man/woman” or like saying “I’m a monkey.”

Because the first statement about being a man or woman is obviously true and the second about being a monkey is obviously false, this gives people a reference point to compare the belief to.  That is usually enough for most people to conclude that, in fact, the belief really is gone.

I Thought I Had Eliminated a Belief Before, But It Came Back

Finally, several people I spoke to said the belief did feel gone after the process, but they had done other exercises in the past where it seemed that beliefs had been eliminated, and then after they went back into life, the belief came back (or perhaps it never really had been eliminated).  Because of that experience, they were hesitant to say the belief was gone even though they felt as if it was.

So based on what people who weren’t sure if their belief was really gone told us, we will revise our video belief-elimination process to include what I learned from those of you I spoke to.  I want to thank al of you who participated in our study for your support.  Your feedback will help people realize that, in fact, many more of them really did eliminate a belief in just a few minutes that they had lived with since childhood.

Our commitment is to have at least 90% of all people who use our on-line and DVD processes experience the belief disappearing.

We really are committed to our mission: “To significantly improve the quality of life on the planet by having people recreate their lives

[eliminate their limiting beliefs] and live as the unlimited possibilities they are [realize they are the creator of their lives, not merely the creation].”

Thanks for reading my blog. Do you agree or disagree with the points I made in this post?  Why?  Do you have something to add?  Your comments will add value for thousands of readers.

Please feel free to share my blog posts with anyone you think might be interested (as long as you tell people where they came from) and to provide a link from your own website or blog.

Copyright © 2009 Morty Lefkoe


  1. NUSRAT JAHAN June 7, 2014 at 8:53 am - Reply

    It is a wonderful scientific method. But my beleif is not eliminated yet. I am a very ugly girl of 28 years old and i believe that no one will marry me for this reason. How can i eliminate this believe?

  2. Daniel February 22, 2014 at 8:50 am - Reply

    Hi Morty, great article! I specifically appreciate your straight scientific method. I wanted to share the idea, confirmed by your research and by my personal experience, that the acknowledgement of one’s limiting beliefs is not only the first, but the most significant step in eliminating it. Furthermore, I daresay that its overall elimination follows almost inevitably!

    • Morty Lefkoe February 26, 2014 at 9:43 am - Reply

      Hi David,

      Thanks for joining the conversation.

      As important as acknowledging a belief is, based on our experience, a lot more is required to eliminate it. We have a lot of clients who have been aware of some of their beliefs for many years and they still held them firmly.

      Love, Morty

  3. Susan January 13, 2014 at 10:10 am - Reply

    I was never able to get to the method. link problems????

  4. My 2 cents worth December 17, 2013 at 2:21 pm - Reply

    I completed the ‘I’m not good enough’ elimination activity and am absolutely certain that this self-limiting belief is gone. It was a belief I’ve been conscious of for several months now. But being aware of it didn’t make it not so! A few hours after the elimination exercise, I took part in a conversation that previously would have triggered the belief. As I noted in my journal the next day: “I felt objective. I enjoyed the conversation more. I felt more ‘adult’. The voice of my small inner child has been quietened.”

    Morty, thank you for sharing this life-changing tool. It truly is a gift, and I’m so grateful to have found it via Steve Pavlina’s site.

  5. alaa October 21, 2013 at 1:04 am - Reply

    i had people interrupting me during the process. should i do it again?
    and while eliminating the beliefs of my childhood. Two irrelevant beliefs kept coming up:
    1. I’m not worthy of love.
    2.I’m bad /mistake.

    • Morty Lefkoe October 21, 2013 at 7:12 am - Reply


      If the belief was eliminated, there is no need to do it again. If it wasn’t, do it again.

      In addition to the three beliefs we offer on our free belief-elimination program, there can be many others that sabotage our lives. I’m not worthy of love and I’m bad are two common beliefs that can lead to problems in our lives.

      Love, Morty

      • alaa October 21, 2013 at 10:36 am - Reply

        thanks for your reply . appreciate it .

        Love <3

  6. Florence October 7, 2013 at 3:31 pm - Reply

    Thanks a lot,Morty. The belief is gone. I am happy and grateful for it. I feel real better now.

    • Morty Lefkoe October 8, 2013 at 11:16 am - Reply

      Hi Florence,

      Thanks for letting me know that you feel better after eliminating one belief.

      Let me know how you feel after eliminating all the beliefs that cause specific problems in your life, like procrastination, worrying what others think of you, fear of rejection, etc.

      We have a program that helps you eliminate 19 beliefs and several common problems. Check it out at http://naturalconfidenceprogram.com.

      Love, Morty

  7. Boots September 19, 2013 at 11:15 am - Reply

    I think your method worked, but it was not as effective as it could have been because I don’t know the theory behind it. Generally when one does an exercise they practice a skill, but when one knows the theory behind the skill and the steps in the exercise they can MASTER that skill. What was missing from your online exercise was the theory behind it. It still takes quite a bit of practice to master the skill… and I will keep practicing:) Thank You


    • Morty Lefkoe September 19, 2013 at 4:11 pm - Reply

      Hi Boots,

      We have found that if people just follow all the steps of the process, the belief will be gone. This process is not designed to teach how to do the process on yourself (or others); it only helps you eliminate this one belief.

      You can find out more about the Lefkoe Belief Process (the theory and the steps) by reading my blog posts (https://mortylefkoe.com) or taking my course where you actually are taught how to eliminate beliefs (an eight week interactive digital course) http://lefkoeuniversity.com/offer.


  8. Jan September 15, 2013 at 11:30 pm - Reply

    Hi Morty,

    A big thanks for the possibility of trying to eliminate some beliefs for free. It worked out very well for me.


  9. Norman August 24, 2013 at 10:07 am - Reply

    I dont know if I got rid of it. Mainly because having this belief never paralized me. I develop a trick. In the face of a scary situation I step in it and see where it takes me. I know I have the limiting belief because I´m full of doubts before I step in.
    Thanks for sharing your knowledge, it’s really nice to know that there is people like you wanting to improve other peoples life.

  10. Angelica August 23, 2013 at 12:19 am - Reply

    Hi Morty:

    I guess I got rid of the 3 limiting beliefs but since I am in a time of trouble I found situations that had to do with other common limiting beliefs and I was not ready for them. As soon as I can afford buying the complete method, I will see whether or not it really works. However, let me tell you, I have hope, I mean, I do not see why it would not work, to me the process is so clear. My interpretation is just one among many interpretations. In fact, your reasoning has helped to stop interpreting new situations. Thank you for the hope. See you soon (even though only through the videos :-)).

  11. Linda August 19, 2013 at 11:33 am - Reply

    I worked with all three online belief elimination sessions. I had an interesting experience. I did the “I am not good enough.” At the end, I did not feel it was totally gone and so I continued to ask for more beliefs knowing I needed to dig deeper. What I realized was the “I am not Important” was at the core of being not good enough. I then did the session ” I am not important” and I had one of the biggest breakthroughs of my life. When I finished both beliefs were gone- I mean really gone and I tested myself. I had no feelings attached to theses issues again. I felt freer and more assured than I have ever felt. Yesterday I did the last session about failure. I went through it and actually came to the end with a feeling of not being sure if I had completed the task- and in the end it is my responsibility to complete it- Morty has supplied the tool. I went a little deeper and realized that for me shame and embarrassment was the core of my feeling about failure not failure itself because I was shamed as a child. So – I knew I needed to work on that more. I no longer attach the same feeling to failure. Throughout this whole process, I have been made so aware of what I am thinking and feeling at all times. I no longer just react to life but I question what happens to me and then I deconstruct the feelings right on the spot. That is what the process has done for me. I am stepping back and observing and that is so freeing. This process also begins the elimination of the judgement of yourself. In this day and age of instant everything or a magic pill, we have forgotten that we are always the core of our own change/ healing and we need to work at how transformation moves in our lives. However, saying that – I have to admit that the DM process is as close to instant as anything I have ever experienced. It is also permanent which none of the other healing modalities can do- the reason is that they all still have you be attached to the emotions or feelings. If you still have the emotions you are still attached. I still have a long way to go and lots of beliefs to eliminate but i know now it can be done. Having this practice has changed my life and I will never be the same.

    • Morty Lefkoe August 19, 2013 at 11:50 am - Reply

      Hi Linda,

      YEAH!!!!!!!!! Thanks for sharing your success story with us.

      When you’re ready to eliminate 19 of the most common beliefs that underlie some of the most common problems we all have, check out our Natural Confidence program at http://naturalconfidenceprogram.com.

      Love, Morty

  12. Stephen H August 19, 2013 at 7:53 am - Reply

    Hi, I performed the not good enough belief elimination and as I have experienced many times with many methods: The belief seemed to disapear as soon as I started down the road to eliminating it. Then (as usual experiments have occured) I began to doubt the end result. Even though after beginning the process I felt the belief disolve?

    I find that “AS SOON AS YOU DECIDE TO DO SOMETHING/Make a change etc”. The end result automatically becomes WHAT IS?

    I find this coincides with the: (and im not really very religious) “Thou Shalt Not Use My Name In vein” . ie. NOT because its a law BUT Because Its An Imposibility. An imposibility because as soon as you begin to: this that or the other. THE CHANGE IS INSTANTANIOUS and only DOUBT stops/blocks you from believing it to be true. (instantanious because you automatically see the end result subconsciously and it becomes so)

    Then of course if you don’t believe it is true it isn’t?

    I reckon Henry ford said the same in: “If you believe your wrong, your right”, and “if you believe your right, YOU ARE. Simple ACCEPTANCE of a truth.

    Such Is Your True Power? OR NOT.

  13. Scott August 10, 2013 at 1:07 pm - Reply

    I really wish there was a free video to eliminate the belief “Change is difficult and takes a long time” as well as “My problems [i.e. my anxiety] alway comes back.” These two beliefs are so deep for me. It takes me months at a time to figure out how to let go and NOT feel anxious and tense, and then the anxiety comes back within five minutes. Then it will be months again before I feel ANY relaxation whatsoever. I can’t live this way. Even if I had felt like the free video helped me, it wouldn’t have mattered, because “My anxiety always comes back.”

    I think these beliefs are the reason that NOTHING helps me feel better. I’m trying to come up with alternate meanings for the events that led me to these beliefs, but I can’t think of anything, and I don’t know when these beliefs really began (childhood vs. teen vs. young adult). I guess I’m just not sure how get rid of this belief even though I get the overall idea behind the process.

    • Morty Lefkoe August 10, 2013 at 1:28 pm - Reply

      Hi Scott,

      The Natural Confidence program will help you eliminate the belief, Change is difficult.

      You can also have just one session with Certified Lefkoe Method Facilitator and get rid of the few beliefs that seem to be in the way. Call (415) 506-4472 for information.

      You also could take the Lefkoe Method Training 1 to learn how to eliminate any belief on your own. http://www.lefkoeuniversity.com/offer/

      Your anxiety always comes back because you never get rid of the real source of the anxiety: a number of beliefs. We’ve had thousands of people get rid fo their anxiety but you have to eliminate the beliefs that cause it.

      Love, Morty

  14. Sha-Shona August 6, 2013 at 3:58 pm - Reply

    Marty, I am “On Fire” today. I feel soo much better right now. I can’t believe that in a matter of minutes you have eliminated a belief that has held me back for years. Now that both of my parents are gone, I wish that I could tell them that I understand how important I was to them. I always thought that they were just too stern for me being the social butterfly that I am.

    My mother would always say, “Children should be seen and not heard”. I love to socialize and hearing those words over and over again, just placed me in a deep depression at times. Up until the day that I eliminated the belief, I could still hear my mother say, “Children should be seen and not heard”. But now I am free and loving it. Thanks again Marty.

  15. Melanie Sievers July 19, 2013 at 1:45 pm - Reply

    Morty, thanks for this. So good to see what you’re up to after so many years. The process is terrific. Love to Shelly
    Melanie ( Bishop, Schor)

  16. Melanie Sievers July 19, 2013 at 1:45 pm - Reply

    Marty, thanks for this. So good to see what you’re up to after so many years. The process is terrific. Love to Shelly
    Melanie ( Bishop, Schor)

  17. Andrew Griffin June 25, 2013 at 2:06 pm - Reply

    Hi Morty,
    Thank you SO much. After years of “trying” unsuccessfully to change beliefs, (I’ve spent 10,000’s of $ on personal development)2 nights ago I cleared “I’m not good enough” & “I’m not important”. And I notice the difference that freedom from those balls & chains makes to the way I move through life now.
    Good wishes,

    • Morty Lefkoe July 1, 2013 at 4:54 pm - Reply

      Hi Andrew,

      And if you think getting rid of these two beliefs was exciting and valuable, wait until you get rid of the 19 core self-esteem beliefs on the Natural Confidence program that will help you increase confidence, stop procrastination, reduce your concern with the opinion of others, etc.

      To get more information about that program, check out http://naturalconfidenceprogram.com.

      Please let me know the changes in your life after eliminating 19 beliefs.

      Love, Morty

  18. Andrew Griffin June 25, 2013 at 2:05 pm - Reply

    Hi Morty,
    Thank you SO much. After years of “trying” to change beliefs, 2 nights ago I cleared “I’m not good enough” & I’m not important. And I notice the difference that freedom from those balls & chains makes to the way I move through life now.
    Good wishes,

  19. Melissa June 13, 2013 at 11:58 pm - Reply

    Hi Morty,

    I was just reading through and noticed that the numbers in the fourth paragraph didn’t add up, 44%, 44% and 14%… Can you please clarify? Thank you :-)
    – Melissa

  20. Gina B June 10, 2013 at 11:33 pm - Reply

    Before beginning the elimination process say the belief out loud “I’m not good enough” then rate the intensity of the belief from 1-10, 1 lowest 10 highest you will be able to measure that way. My belief “I’m not good enough” began at an 8, went down to a 5 then was gone..
    Another way is checking your self talk, before when i believed I wasn’t good enough my self talk not only agreed but gave me a laundry list to support it! That does not happen any more, now I hear that I am good enough.
    The clincher for me was self checking to see if the belief was still there and I could not remember the belief I had eliminated! That made me laugh because I had done the process only yesterday!

  21. Rhonda April 26, 2013 at 2:12 pm - Reply

    Hi Morty,

    I thought I had released the belief of “mistakes and failures are bad” by following your webinar. However, today I got really nervous and upset at work when I thought I had made a mistake.

    My question is, did the belief come back or do I need to release something else or do I need to go through the webinar again?

  22. Bill April 22, 2013 at 11:20 am - Reply

    Hi Morty

    I stumbled across your free tool while researching for a new self help with depression website im doing (not finished yet). Your free info is very good…well I believe so and intend to put a link to it as im sure it will help many people. To be truthful I have had problems with bad beliefs especially to do with health and money. Am interested to buy your program. Does it eliminate distorted health beliefs and money issues too?

    Im sure that one is gone…now its time to get rid of the rest.
    Keep up the good work.
    All the best!

  23. Braylon April 6, 2013 at 2:08 pm - Reply

    I can understand how some people would allow their beliefs to creep back up on them. I’ve used the Lefkoe Method to eliminate over a dozen beliefs so far, and I am continuing to chip away at a long list of limiting beliefs I’ve come up with, in addition to the nineteen common limiting beliefs on your website (what’s great about this method is that I continue to uncover more limiting beliefs the more I eliminate). I initially eliminated “I’m not good enough” during the last year, but when I tried again last week I had discovered it came up again.

    This is obviously a complicated problem, and much needs to be sussed out. I did find something interesting, however, that helped me immensely. I found that after I eliminated a limiting belief, and just left it alone, it would eventually creep back, however when I REPLACED THE BELIEF WITH AN EMPOWERING BELIEF, it had much more staying power, and I began to see changes in my day-to-day life, thus solidifying the new belief structure in my mind.

    Nature abhors a vacuum, and simply eliminating the beliefs will give a temporary feeling of freedom and empowerment, but if you want to keep it that way, you MUST replace the limiting belief with an empowering one. I think creating a list of empowering beliefs to install after eliminating the corresponding limiting ones would increase this method’s effectiveness greatly.

    For example, after I eliminated “I’m not good enough” and completed the “Who am I really?” part of the program, I replaced it with the empowering belief, “I’m cut from the same cloth as everyone else; if I see where they’re at, I can stand in their place, and do it better than them by learning from their mistakes and learning from others, too.” I read this statement aloud and then said, “This is the truth; this is real, and I believe it – because I CHOOSE to believe it.” This has helped me personally, and if nothing else it’s food for thought!

  24. Deirdre Coval March 31, 2013 at 4:33 pm - Reply

    I found that it did work. In addition to getting rid of the old belief it help resolve other past emotions and feelings that it brought up. Now what I find is I question what I am feeling, whether it is true or a story I am writing about the event!

  25. Elizabeth March 31, 2013 at 8:49 am - Reply


    One of the things I liked most about the “I’m not good enough” video was when I imagined you there when I was a child. To have had someone help make sense of things back then would have made a significant difference. I do believe that your video helped me with the “I’m not good enough” concept but also feel that deep down, I knew that I was good enough all along…I just needed a boost.

    Thank you for providing the free session, and I am considering the entire package.


    • Morty Lefkoe April 1, 2013 at 4:41 pm - Reply

      Hi Elizabeth,

      It sounds as if you never had the belief to begin with. The Lefkoe Belief Process actually eliminates beliefs you’ve had for a lifetime.

      You can go back to http://recreateyourlife.com and eliminate the other two beliefs without charge if you’d like. That will give you the experience that beliefs really can be eliminated.

      Love, Morty

  26. Bill March 5, 2013 at 3:26 pm - Reply

    Hey Morty I used your free trial to get rid of the belie that I’m not good enough .I waited a week before I told my wife because I could’t believe it was that easy,although at the end I had to go back and re-do it because I didn’t think it was all gone.Well it’s been almost three weeks now and it’s nowhere to be found in me.thanks ……………..Bill

    • Morty Lefkoe March 5, 2013 at 3:34 pm - Reply

      Hi Bill,

      Thanks for sharing your experience and glad to hear it’s totally gone.

      If you’d like to eliminate additional beliefs and common problems like procrastination, worrying about what others think of you, fear of moving forward and taking chances, etc., check out our Natural Confidence program at http://naturalconfidenceprogram.com.

      Love, Morty

  27. John January 25, 2013 at 10:54 am - Reply

    I agree whole heartedly with your observations. My belief is, as you found to be true, most people have a hard time with things that are too simple.

  28. Ellen January 18, 2013 at 4:51 pm - Reply

    That is very kind of you, but I live in Australia.

    • Morty Lefkoe January 19, 2013 at 12:20 am - Reply


      You can call me on Skype, no charge. My Skype name is mortylefkoe.

      Love, Morty

  29. Ellen January 17, 2013 at 6:19 pm - Reply

    Well I am most definitely not good enough. I came across your link Wednesday morning before work but didn’t have time to do it so I saved it to my favourites. I then made a mistake at work that day and felt really bad and definitely not good enough. So I did your elimination hoping for miracles to make me feel better about myself. Well it didn’t. I then had to have a coaching session with my Manager and Regional Manager on Thursday because of the mistake, and that really made me feel like I was not good enough, despite the fact they thought they were ‘helping me’ . I felt like rubbish and just wanted to resign, but they didn’t want that. I kept trying to tell myself I was choosing to feel the way I did, that I could turn it around by choosing to feel differently. But one part of my brain wasn’t listening to the other. I still feel like rubbish today (Friday). So my hope, that your belief elimination would work, didn’t work. I am glad it has worked for others though.

    • Morty Lefkoe January 17, 2013 at 6:26 pm - Reply

      Hi Ellen,

      Sorry to hear that our belief-elimination process didn’t work for you. Maybe if we talked for a few minutes about what you did I could help you make it work.

      Call me at (415) 506-4472. I am out of town right now but ask Karen to tell you how to reach me.

      I’ll bet with just a few minutes you will be able to eliminate that belief, for good.

      Love, Morty

  30. P Venkatesh January 2, 2013 at 12:21 pm - Reply

    BE”lie”F is a lie we continuously tell ourselves until we feel it to be true.

  31. Batya Yaniger December 15, 2012 at 10:44 am - Reply

    I’m not sure if the belief is eliminated after doing the exercise. I’ll share a thought that might be useful for you. The exercise assumed the belief originated with parents, while I felt that the belief originated much more with my peer group. I also felt that negative experience plays a big part. If people keep on telling you they don’t like your work you’re going to think you’re not good enough, even if the truth is it’s a bad fit between you and your employers

  32. Karen November 18, 2012 at 8:07 am - Reply

    I would like to add to a comment I made earlier today about how to uncover buried beliefs. First, I would like to say that I have uncovered some buried beliefs about myself using your methods (in addition to other work I have done on myself over the years). I have never officially been diagnosed with this, but I think I may have had dissociative personality disorder (multiple personality), or at least a mild form of it. In this condition, “parts” of the self try to keep secrets from other “parts”. This is frequently due to the belief that if the secret is told, something terrible or dangerous will happen. Another reason a “part” of a person won’t tell the other “part” something is that it has promised someone or some other “part” of itself that it would never tell the secret. You may want to explore those ideas, that giving information can be dangerous, disloyal, or break some kind of promise, when someone cannot find a limiting belief or won’t admit to it.

  33. Karen November 18, 2012 at 7:31 am - Reply

    You said that you wanted feedback for why your method for eliminating beliefs sometimes does not produce the desired result, so I have a suggestion. Sometimes, people harbor a belief or feeling that they disapprove of so much or are so ashamed of that they repress it very deeply, so deeply that they cannot uncover it even with a program like yours. For example, a person who prides himself on being peaceful and forgiving may harbor anger or thoughts of revenge that he disapproves of so much he hides them from himself.

    So, I suggest that you include as one of the beliefs that people want to eliminate the belief that “I need to keep certain information from myself” or “It is dangerous for me to know certain things about myself” or “I need to keep secrets from myself.” You’re the expert on how to word these beliefs, but I hope you get the idea.

    • Morty Lefkoe November 19, 2012 at 5:33 pm - Reply

      Hi Karen,

      Thanks so much for taking the time to send me a suggestion. We certainly will look into it.


  34. Sylvia October 30, 2012 at 8:51 pm - Reply

    Hi Morty, I just did the belief elimination exercise for the first time (“I’m not good enough”). I’ve noticed a shift inside of me, kind of like the sculpture is a little different now. I’ve been afraid to assert that the belief is GONE because it feels like I’m predicting the future somehow. Could it come back? Could I lose this awareness such that I might create negative meaning about future events and therefore get stuck with the same belief again? Also, I’m pretty certain that I’ve got plenty of other negative self-esteem beliefs that are getting in the way. Still, I’m incredibly happy with the results. I can actually “talk back” to some of the other negative ideas more easily now because it seems ridiculous to me that I might not be good enough!

  35. James October 26, 2012 at 10:39 am - Reply

    Thanks for your email asking if my belief had really gone. I am not sure. I assume that my belief is somewhat situationally dependant and I could still infer that a mistake or failure I made was bad given enough good reasons to think that. However, I am grateful for the shift from feeling bad & upset at my parents to feeling competent or confident that arose the second time I did the process. I plan to do it again in about a week when I have had time to notice if the belief that mistakes and failure are bad still bothers me in daily life.
    Thanks again for this skilled guidance and the chance to find out for myself if it worked.

  36. Munib Ghazi October 25, 2012 at 4:27 am - Reply

    The issue, Morty, could also be a bit more fundamental than eliminating a belief….it could actually be not knowing what your limiting beliefs are. In my experience, beliefs are formed in an intricate, interconnected and interdependent web where any belief is dependent on or is based on many others. There are thousands of them and it would take multiple lifetimes to change each of them (20 minutes for each, times the number of beliefs).

    That being said, perhaps we need a better way to identify the core limiting beliefs for each person in some way and go from there.

    • Morty Lefkoe October 25, 2012 at 10:17 am - Reply

      Hi Munib,

      Having worked with over 13,000 clients during the past 29 years, it is my experience that there are only a few beliefs that have a significant impact on our lives. Getting rid of about 10 gets rid of the fear of public speaking, 16 get rid of procrastination.

      Maybe we have thousands, but we only need to eliminate a few to make significant changes in our lives.

      It is my experience that rarely is one belief dependent on another.

      I have written several blog posts (https://mortylefkoe.com) that list the beliefs for specific problems. We in the process of creating an online course that will teach people how to identify the beliefs for specific problems.

      Thanks for taking the time to comment.

      Love, Morty

  37. Jasmine September 28, 2012 at 11:54 am - Reply

    I haven’t read the other posts, but I was just thinking as I was doing “I’m not capable”, that this was pretty much “I’m not good enough” worded differently.
    I found it weird because “I’m not good enough” worked really well on me, yet “I’m not capable” wasn’t reaching me, and I was actually using it to eliminate other beliefs in my mind by changing the words around.
    “I’m not capable” just wasn’t working though.
    Today it dawned on me that while I do believe that i’m not capable,
    I’ve never worded it that way, when my parents were treating me bad and all. I was thinking “I can’t do it”.
    So all these beliefs are just the same thing, basically right? But the method works when you say it out loud, relive it, like you did the first time you thought it. Why do you have to redo the method for EVERY belief? It shouldn’t be, the method’s the same every time, just with different words! It’s the SAYING of the Actual Words that… deprograms me!

    • Morty Lefkoe October 1, 2012 at 2:35 pm - Reply

      Hi Jasmine,

      We have a lot of beliefs. It seems to us as if we “saw” each one as a child and that the events made us “feel” each one.

      The Lefkoe Belief Process enables us to realize we didn’t see a given belief and that we created the feeling, not reality. Doing that for one belief does not eliminate other beliefs. If you have 25 beliefs you want to get rid of, you have to go though the process 25 times, find the source of each belief, alternative interpretations, that you didn’t see that specific belief in the world, etc.


  38. Katie September 10, 2012 at 8:30 pm - Reply

    The resistance that came up after going through the “I’m not good enough” belief was: “I get what I want and need from playing victim”.. whoa!!!.. So I was resistant to letting it go.. Hmmm (generally the video definitely worked, then I found myself..”hey, wait a minute, I can manipulate by being not good enough” )… hmm.. Am I willing to let go of playing victim?

  39. Jonathan September 3, 2012 at 8:49 am - Reply

    Hello Marty,I was wondering if you were going to sell any of the other 19 Limiting beliefs as Individuals,as I am unemployed and can’t afford to buy
    thw whole program.I suspect that limiting belefs in one or more areas is holding me back from getting a truly great job. Thanks

    • Morty Lefkoe September 3, 2012 at 5:21 pm - Reply

      Hi Jonathan,

      The problem with buying just a few beliefs is that it is unlikely that you will get sufficient beliefs and the right beliefs to eliminate whatever problem you want to eliminate. Getting rid of a few miscellaneous beliefs won’t necessarily change anything in your life.

      Thanks why we put together packages of beliefs designed to eliminate specific problems.

      Please call us at (415) 506-4472 if you have any more questions.

      Love, Morty

  40. Liz August 26, 2012 at 8:31 am - Reply

    I certainly DID get rid of that nasty belief and I also have sent your sight on to my friends and have posted it on my facebook page and will continue to recommend you as long as I can!!!
    In fact, I am saving to continue on to take the rest of your courses and to take any trainings also.
    Morty, just where have you been all my life???

    In love and light,

  41. James August 10, 2012 at 9:32 am - Reply

    Dear Morty,

    I took a chance and decided to try out the ‘eliminate one limiting belief for free’ video that you offered. The belief I chose to eliminate was ‘Mistakes and failure are bad’, because I believe that it’s holding me back from being successful. After the video, the words ‘mistakes and failure are bad’ certainly did feel different – almost to the point of absurdity. However, I have a lingering feeling that something is “off” still…

    In this post you mentioned that there may be other related beliefs that can still be in one’s mind even after eliminating one key limiting belief. My question for you is this: How can I find all of the limiting beliefs related to ‘mistakes and failure are bad’, and eliminate them as well? Is there a straightforward method I could follow to find these limiting beliefs and deal with them accordingly?

    It seems that even if one key limiting belief is eliminated, there are other related beliefs that can still hold you back that remain hidden in your mind. I would greatly appreciate any advice on this!

    Thank you,


    • Morty Lefkoe October 27, 2012 at 9:29 am - Reply

      Hi James,

      I just saw your post. Sorry it’s taken so long to respond.

      There are several ways you can identify and eliminate all the beliefs that might be causing problems in your life.

      First, you could purchase our Natural Confidence program that helps you eliminate 19 of the most common beliefs. You can get more information about it at http://naturalconfidenceprogram.com

      Second, you could have private phone or Skype sessions with a Certified Lefkoe Method Facilitator. You can get more information about that at (415) 506-4472.

      Finally, you could learn how to eliminate beliefs on your own. For more information about that course, please check out http://lefkoeuniversity.com.

      Thanks for your interest in our work.,

      Love, Morty

  42. Damian August 4, 2012 at 5:31 am - Reply

    Hey Morty, really interesting follow up post. One thing i wondered was whether the fact that it was free could have an effect on someone’s ability to believe it worked. Is there a belief there about ‘if it was free then it cant really work’. Just wondered as we I find that if I work for free in my business the client never seems to really commit to our findings in comparison to those who have paid.

    Just a thought.

    • Morty Lefkoe August 4, 2012 at 10:18 am - Reply

      Hi Damian,

      It’s certainly possible that free has some people assume the process can’t work, but I doubt that that affects most people. The belief that change is difficult and takes a long time makes a lot of people doubt that the process can do what it says.

      Thanks for taking the time to comment.

      Love, Morty

  43. Jaime August 1, 2012 at 8:39 am - Reply

    Hello Morty!!

    Why yes I did eliminate a belief that has haunted me since I was a child. I would like for everyone to know that my brothers and I were abused, told daily that not only that we weren’t good enough, we’d NEVER be enough, and we faced many trials at the hand of an alcohol dependent parent, some emotional abusive, some physically abusive while our father was gone to work six days out of the week. For starters, you have to be ready to LET GO of the belief or the Living Lord Himself could lay His hands upon you and you would stubbornly cling to what makes you MISERABLE!! I have been reading some of these comments and I am AMAZED at some of the people who WILLFULLY keep their “hand on the STOVE”… I started this program with an open mind and it was with great sadness I said, “I”m not good enough” during the first video. Yes, I cried when describing some of the scenes from my child hood (That is GOOD!! Let it OUT, folks!!) but by the time the end came around I was laughing, “I’m not good Enough”… Of course not, I’ve been GREAT all ALONG!! Don’t let the past and your limited ideals of what or who you are hold you back!! I recommend this program with everything in me!! I have a few more beliefs I would LOVE To see get to steppin’! I have to thank Morty, Steve, and Erin and of course, the Beloved Universe for bringing me here!~<3 If you are wanting to give yourself some PEACE, folks, it can start right here! But if you are desperate to associate with your trickster Ego, well, this may take some time! Why stay miserable if you have another choice? Believe me, I was hit, belittled, held to different standards than my brothers, etc. etc. My Mother had untreated BPD, a condition I have fought my whole life, and one I no longer allow to define ME! I am not BPD!! I have some BPD traits at the moment but I also have great hope, faith and determination. There isn't a mental illness one that can stand Tall in the face of all that!! Face your fears and you will discover great peace!!! Thank you, Morty!! Much LOVE!!

    • Morty Lefkoe August 1, 2012 at 9:09 am - Reply

      Hi Jamie,

      Thanks so much for sharing your story. I am thrilled that you found our free belief-elimination site and were able to eliminate one negative belief.

      If you want to get rid of 19 negative self-esteem beliefs check out our Natural Confidence program at http://recreateyourlife.com/naturalconfidence.

      Love, Morty

  44. yuan July 29, 2012 at 10:26 pm - Reply

    hello Mr.morty, pretty thanks for your video. I have choosed “I am not good enough” .I think I had eliminate it . But I found that when my friends show some wonderful achievements to me I feel that “they are better than me !”
    and then I will upset by them. While sometimes the progress my peer made can also give energy to me ,inspiring me to go ahead.
    So…. I don’t certain whether is a passive feeling or a positive feeling?
    Hope for your reply :)

  45. harry July 20, 2012 at 3:44 pm - Reply

    Thank you for sharing your insight with us, after the “im not good enough” belief was eliminated i felt confident it was successful. Your follow up email about the “five reasons you might be unsure your belief was gone” really confirmed to me that i was moving in the right direction.
    Thank You again, keep up the good work.

  46. patb July 17, 2012 at 7:21 am - Reply

    Hi Morty,
    I am unable to access any of your links or offers. I tried to special order open till July 19th but the website did not respond and hung for several minutes. I have left a support ticket thsi morning (17 July )and await the the repsonse.I also tried your free videos but nothing seems to happen when you click on this , I am in the UK perhaps they are not compatible Do you have any facilitators in the UK?

  47. Brian July 6, 2012 at 2:30 pm - Reply

    Thanks, Morty. I’m glad you followed up with this email. After trying the free online bit, I wasn’t really sure that I let go of the belief completely. Now I’m convinced. Now I want to eliminate the other beliefs that hold me down!

    • Morty Lefkoe July 6, 2012 at 2:48 pm - Reply

      Hi Brian,

      Glad to hear about your exciting results.

      To find out about our product that contains the 19 most common negative beliefs that helps you get rid of some of the most common everyday problems, check out http://naturalconfidenceprogram.com.

      Love, Morty

  48. Roxanne May 30, 2012 at 9:30 am - Reply

    I did a free belief-elimination this weekend (“I’m not good enough), and I would say that my belief is gone. Yes, I assumed that change takes a lot of time and is hard.

    In general, I feel pretty good about myself, but that has been through lots of self-talk and cognitive work, which isn’t the same as eliminating a belief.

    So, thank you! By the way, I found your site through StevePavalina.com.


  49. Tallulah Darling May 30, 2012 at 8:25 am - Reply

    I cannot articulate the level happiness I have at losing something which I allowed to affect so many of my actions for my whole life up until now. I have zero doubt about the belief lingering. I can’t even think “I’m not good enough” without smiling and giggling. And when I say it out loud I still giggle and my head shakes no all on it’s own.

    Morty baby, I got sooooooo much love for you :) Thirty five minutes of my life to go from zero to she-ro! How do you do it mon?!?!

  50. Eileen May 29, 2012 at 10:02 am - Reply

    I have been in the process of releasing beliefs since late October, 2011. What I discovered about the process is that self limiting beliefs get released when you are ready to let them go. Some self limiting beliefs are buried so deeply that the layers above that belief must be released first before you can release a specific belief. For me, the layers were, in order, releasing resentments, forgiving others, and forgiving self. Then, the self limiting beliefs of “I am ugly”, “nobody likes me” and “I am too old” fell away, almost on their own. After that, I was able to trust my intuition, which is actually pretty good. Once I released the “I’m not good enough”, other self limiting beliefs fell away within the next 24 hours, many without any effort on my part.

    So, the video on releasing “I am not good enough” worked because I was ready to release it. Perhaps, the reason why it doesn’t work for people is that that for most people (myself included), this belief is embedded deeply within other self limiting beliefs acquired over the years. Once the other beliefs that are overlaying the “I am not good enough” belief are released, the brain is ready to release the “I’m not good enough” belief.

  51. Lora April 26, 2012 at 7:59 am - Reply

    Hi Morty, Yesterday I tried to eliminate the belief that mistakes and failures are bad. During the process, it brought up a conditioned fear response associated with the belief and I felt worse. I spoke with Shelly on the phone for 5 minutes and she removed the conditioned fear response. I do believe that change can happen instantly, but you see, I’ve never had such a profound change happen to me that quickly. I was going to wait a week to see if the fear and feelings came back before saying anything but since you sent me an email, I am responding now. Not only is the belief gone but I am no longer afraid of or feel anger towards the main person who caused the belief! I certainly didn’t expect that to happen! Thank you and thank you Shelly!!

  52. Astro April 14, 2012 at 8:32 am - Reply

    Dear Morty,
    Firstly, thank you so much for this amazing process! It changed the way I look at things and I know it will influence many others!
    In my work as a coach I find that one of the fundamental limiting beliefs people have is that “things take long time to change”. Of course, if you believe that – you are right, things WILL take long time as this is what you expect (perception is projection).
    I feel a good idea will be to ‘tackle’ that belief at the end of any process. It helps also to find examples of things you perceived are going to take a long time – but in reality did not.
    Thank you again for your wonderful insights.

  53. Dean April 6, 2012 at 5:58 pm - Reply

    Hi Morty,
    Thanks for this post. After going through the natural confidence course, it made a good difference for me. I decided to do a few sessions with Shelly. I find my speaking performance is situational. If I’m not feeling clear and confident about what I am speaking about, it comes out pretty weak. No matter what, it ‘feels’ different than it did. It’s a little better, which is good enough for now. I possibly just need more practice.


    • Morty Lefkoe April 7, 2012 at 10:45 am - Reply

      Hi Dean,

      Given what you’ve done already,the fear should be totally gone. Please call me and let me see if I can figure out why there is still any fear remaining. (415) 506-4472.


  54. Kevin Shorter March 10, 2012 at 10:36 am - Reply

    Thank you so much for putting these online. I really appreciate it.


  55. Wil Johns March 2, 2012 at 7:41 pm - Reply

    Hi Morty,
    I have completed the first 3. beliefs. I am happy with the learning and understanding.The next morning I heard a dialogue, of a battle going on inside my head.I was thinking about what I wanted to acheive on a work and personal level ( somethingI had been struggling with for a long time.) My thoughts were positive, then I heard a voice saying, well, you will get what you want, but what about me.I realised it was my ego. Even though I had read articles on ego, in the past, I didn’t quite get it. It become clear after I completed the first 3 beliefs. Our ego’s have supported these negative beliefs for along time. I know we need to be dilligent and keep removing as many negative beliefs and emotions for as long as it takes to clear them. If we listen to our innermost self we will continue to grow and have peace and happiness. If we listen to ego we will stay the same. Not much will happen when we give our power to a negative belief, thought or emotion. It does keep you separated from who you really are, and who you are meant to be. I already know with understanding, change is instant. looking forward to the rest of
    the program. Thank you
    Regards Wil

    • Morty Lefkoe March 5, 2012 at 11:06 am - Reply

      Hi Wil,

      You will never get rid of your ego as long as you are alive. Your ego is the “creation” you think you are, your thoughts and feelings and beliefs. In fact you are the creator of the creation and you can experience that from time to time, but although it is possible to know you aren’t your creation and even to change the creation, you can never get rid of it. So what?


  56. Charlene February 23, 2012 at 11:39 am - Reply

    Hi Morty, I have tried one belief elimination so far and I have to say it really worked for me. I was amazed at how quickly it worked. I still have other related beliefs of course, but I have to say for me, once I eliminated that one belief it was easier to recognize the others, and they don’t seem to have the same force. I felt so light and free after eliminating the belief, and it has changed how I look at things. Thank you so much for developing this program and sharing it!

    • Morty Lefkoe February 23, 2012 at 11:46 am - Reply

      Hi Charlene,

      Thanks for sharing your experience with eliminating a single belief. And if you think that’s exciting, wait until you eliminate all the beleifs that are responsible for a specific problem and notice the problem dissolve along with the beleifs.

      Love, Morty

  57. marie February 21, 2012 at 6:51 pm - Reply

    Wanted to make sure you have the correct email

  58. marie February 21, 2012 at 6:48 pm - Reply

    Really life changing.you let me reliaze it was my own thought that made me think,i was not good enough.my father told me i couldnt finish anything.i carried that threw life,i didnt finish things .but now i know i will. Im not in fear. Thank you. My dad is no longer with me i loved him and respected him more so as i got older.as i went threw this i cried from the understanding that i wish i knew then

  59. Frances February 21, 2012 at 6:29 am - Reply

    I tried the “Im not good enough” and the “Mistakes and failure are bad” incase I found aspects of them still affecting me but they just didnt do anything before or after. I worked through these feelings a long time ago using a similar process to what you use after thinking about the way I was brought up. I still have issues with panic and anxiety and a feeling of abandonment from losing my mother when I was 2 . Can I listen to the online session after wards as I wont be home that day. Thankyou for your dedication and what you do to help others.

  60. bailey February 18, 2012 at 8:45 am - Reply

    My belief is gone and I notice my behavior and feelings are automatically different. Perhaps an additional idea for raising children without these limiting beliefs is to deliberately spend time telling and showing them they’re impotant, for example. So that those times when perhaps we dont do the best job of explaining in a busy moment, are mitigated because the child has had so many direct experiences of the parent saying I’m glad I have you; what do you think about something; or I love spending time with you, etc. thank you for sharing your program and for your genuine and generous service to others.

  61. Bernice February 11, 2012 at 5:51 am - Reply


    First I want to thank you for sharing this method. It’s just what I’ve been searching for the longest time, I’m just thrilled with ^^.

    I have a question, I’m currently following the Natural Confidence program and as I work through eliminating the beliefs something just came clear to me…at some level I have a belief as if I was responsible for my parents’ beliefs that caused them to react a certain way….

    To better explain my self, is like this: I go through the method and I’m able to eliminate the belief, but then there’s this lingering feeling that somehow I’m responsible for their reactions, like I provoked them, and what I do is I do the process again to try and make sense of that belief of being responsible for whatever was the cause of their reactions.

    I was wondering is that specifically addressed later in the program (I’m currently at belief 7)? Is this what I’m supposed to do in order to make sure the belief and any underlying cause is completely eliminated? Since it didn’t became apparent to me since later on in the program, shall I go back and redo the exercises for previous beliefs and include this step?

    Thank you once again for the program it’s been working great for me and I can see and feel the difference.

    • Morty Lefkoe February 16, 2012 at 10:53 pm - Reply

      Hi Bernice,

      Glad to hear our NC program is making a positive difference in your life.

      I’m not sure why you feel responsible for your parents’ behavior, but that thought shouldn’t interfere with your ability to eliminate the 19 beliefs in the program. There is nothing specifically on that issue addressed in the NC program. In fact, you are the first person who has ever mentioned this.

      Let me know how you feel when you complete the program.


  62. Logan Dean Symington January 29, 2012 at 8:21 am - Reply

    Do you do affiliate marketing?

    • Morty Lefkoe January 29, 2012 at 1:48 pm - Reply

      Hi Logan,

      If you are asking if people can be an affiliate for our Natural Confidence program, the answer is yes.

      For more information, please go to http://recreateyourlife.com/partnersignup.

      Thanks for your interest.


  63. Andrew January 13, 2012 at 10:10 am - Reply

    Hello Morty – Although you can realise and accept that a negative belief is self created, I cannot see how this conscious mental process can dissolve the belief from your subconscious mind, where it is firmly embedded and held in place with many emotional references linked to various past experiences. I use my own personal form of fasterEFT to dissolve the emotions which uphold the negative belief in the subconscious, so that all relative past events no longer hold an emotional charge, so you are free from the effects of the belief – irrespective of whether you believe it or not, it does not matter. On the issue of confidence, it is a ‘feeling’ vibrational emotion, which stems from expecting the best possible outcome from everything you do – but is adversely affected by any negative beliefs that may exist in the subconscious mind. Kind wishes – keep up the good work.

  64. Richard December 20, 2011 at 8:15 am - Reply

    Hey there, Morty. I was reading up on Steve Pavlina’s site, learning all sorts of great things, and I saw an article about eliminating negative beliefs. I realized the potential eliminating such beliefs could have on my life, so I decided to open the article. Instead of him going through what to do, he explained where he learned the technique, and recommended we get it first hand from you. Your free online session was surprisingly effective and really did work. I eliminated the belief of being unimportant. Even though I knew I was important, I still believed I wasn’t. I haven’t been bothered by such feelings of unimportance ever since I visited your site. I can focus better, I’m more stable socially, and my reactions towards other people are more positive. I’m going to apply this method to other aspects of my life and see what else I can eliminate. Just wanted to thank you for your help.

    • Morty Lefkoe December 20, 2011 at 12:12 pm - Reply

      Hi Richard,

      I’m glad you found us through Steve Pavlina and that our work has been helpful.

      Although eliminating a couple of beleifs can be very useful, it is important to eliminate all the beliefs that cause specific problems, so entire problems can be eliminated.

      Our Natural Confidence program helps you eliminate 23 of the most common beleifs and conditionings so that you can eliminate eight of the most common daily problem, such as procrastination, lack of confidence, worrying about what others think of you, etc.

      Check it out at http://recreateyourlife.com/naturalconfidence.

      Love, Morty

  65. Bernice Schwartz December 16, 2011 at 9:47 pm - Reply

    Dear Morty:
    Thank you for your emails and info.
    Today I received your DVD that I ordered through the Aware Show. I did not play it yet, but thought my order included more than this one item. I will soon be playing this.
    This present email is very helpful. I had all the thoughts that others had about not being completely sure that all was cleared. However, I did know that the first exercise I did regarding my parents was great. It seemed that a heavy load of garbage I was carrying all my life made sense and it had a profound positive effect on me; a healing.
    I thank you for your interest and help in wanting to make a difference!!!!!

    • Morty Lefkoe December 17, 2011 at 2:54 pm - Reply

      Hi Bernice,

      I’m thrilled to hear that our work has had a “profound posititve impact” on ytou.

      I’m not sure what else yu were expecting. The DVD has over 10 hours of material on it. We could have made 10 shorter DVDs, but that would have been a waste of plastic.

      Let me know how you feel when you complete the program.

      Love, Morty

  66. Phil December 14, 2011 at 1:10 pm - Reply

    Hi mort , yesterday I tried your natural confidence trial yesterday ,, is it normal that since , I have had a headache , been light headed , and sometimes throbbing head, was it possible that the release was that big I feel like that I have the flu …Thanks

    • Morty Lefkoe December 14, 2011 at 5:27 pm - Reply

      Hi Phil,

      I’ve never herd of anyone getting physically ill after eliminating a belief, but I guess it’s possible.

      I’m sorry to hear that you feel ill and hope you are feeling much better real soon.

      Love, Morty

  67. Phil McLynn December 6, 2011 at 11:41 am - Reply

    Mort. I want to thank you for the free trial .. I have tried thetahealing , tapping , crystal bowl toning , Pranashakthi , meditation .. as soon as I was finished using your demo I could feel a release . I am purchasing your system . thanks again

    • Morty Lefkoe December 6, 2011 at 11:57 am - Reply

      Hi Phil,

      I’m really happy to hear that the free belief-elimination program worked for you.

      Let me know what you think after completing the Natural Confidence program.

      Love, Morty

  68. Wayne December 2, 2011 at 6:43 am - Reply

    Hi Morty!

    I tried to purchase your product but it would not except my card for some reason. I then sent an Ticket to you guys stating can I buy the product through Pay Pal its now been about 3 days and I have not heard anything?

    Kind Regards


  69. Wayne November 25, 2011 at 10:39 am - Reply

    Hi Morty!
    I want to thank you for your free eliminate a belief. I did the exercise in the evening before going to bed and it was amazing. I really felt a shift in my consciousness. I felt as if something had really changed and it felt good. I have always tried to change my beliefs but could not. I have gone through just about every program and books by Anthony Robbins not to mention others. Every one of them promise that you will change and they do help but only for a short period. You get to the knitty gritty and really help people to change there beliefs. There is something magical that happens in the process of your eliminate a belief. Its been a couple of days now and I have visualized myself now doing certain things that would hold me back and I do not have the same feelings as I had before. I will definitely invest in your program. This is what I have been waiting for all these years its such a pity I did not come across your work before. Kind Regards Wayne Wells from sunny South Africa

    • Morty Lefkoe November 26, 2011 at 1:25 pm - Reply

      Hi Wayne,

      Glad to hear that our work is proving so valuable for you.

      And if you think eliminating one belief is exciting, wait until you eliminate the 19 beleifs on our Natural Confidence program and notice you no longer are concerned with the opinions of others, an increase in confidence, etc.

      Let me know what you think/


  70. Michelle November 20, 2011 at 1:33 am - Reply

    Hello,this will be the 7th time I have tried using the site,however as with another readers comments …I am frustrated at it not working,it will take me to where it says
    Eliminate a belief I press it’s an empty page that says for me to bookmark : (

    • Morty Lefkoe November 20, 2011 at 12:39 pm - Reply

      Hi Michelle,

      Are you using an iPad or iPhone? Presently our programs use Flash and iProducts don’t use Flash. We are int he process of switching formats so you will be able to run on programs on iProducts.

      If that is not your issue, please try closing your browsers and trying again. When we try it it works so I’m not sure why it doesn’t work for you. I’m truly sorry.

      Love, Morty

  71. JSalyers November 16, 2011 at 10:15 am - Reply

    Oh, wow! I did the exercise for I’m not good enough and it blew me away. How do I know it worked? Within 6 or 8 hours of doing the exercise, I found myself handing out compliments as if they were candy canes. In other words, I had stopped guarding my heart and worrying about what people thought of me. It sounds nuts, but this was the deciding factor for me. In the last few days, my partner and I have grown much closer and I’ve dared to try some new directions for my work without a second thought(before, I would have been terrified).

    As soon as I can, I’m buying the program. Thanks!

    • Morty Lefkoe November 16, 2011 at 10:43 am - Reply


      Thanks for sharing your breakthrough. I’m so happy you have gotten so much value already.

      Let me know what happens after you eliminate the 19 beliefs on the Natural Confidence program.

      Love, Morty

  72. Sylvia October 16, 2011 at 5:55 am - Reply

    Hello Morty,
    I would just like to say thank you for your commitment to helping others with there issues. I just finished the “I´m not good enough” and I think it worked as it feels different when I say it, only time will tell.
    I also have a question about eliminating beliefs in children. I am a parent and I KNOW that my children have developed a belief of I´m not good enough through my husband and me not thinking about what we are saying to them, especially my 10 year old. We have been aware of this for a while now and have drastically change our way of parenting and today our son is much happier, BUT how can I help him change his belief of I´m not good enough which I can see he has for example when he does his homework.
    Kind regards

  73. Lisa F. October 15, 2011 at 10:09 am - Reply

    I found out about your program via Shelly’s interview on The Great Parenting Show. Many of the things she spoke about (automatic beliefs that sort of cascade & get us stressed about our children’s behavior) rang very true to me and I’m grateful for how she articulated it for me.

    I went through to the eliminating belief page, and worked through the I’m Not Good Enough belief, and it definitely lost it’s power, and I felt a great deal of relief. The memory of my parents punished me for not controlling my younger sister’s behavior kept coming up during the process and the idea of them having unrealistic expectations was so helpful. And this clear memory also helps me understand how triggered I get as a parent when my child is not behaving the way my sister & I were expected to behave, and I can’t “control” him.

    And while I initially felt the joy and expansiveness of the idea that I’m the creator of my life and all is possible, I almost immediately felt fear, and realized other limiting beliefs had stepped in.

    Thank you for your work. I’m looking forward to incorporating this in my life!

  74. Vladimir Alekseev September 25, 2011 at 2:52 am - Reply

    Morty, thank you very much for this hint – the belief: Change is difficult and takes a long time.” It was a real problem for me to get rid of beliefs, having that one. It is one of basic presuppositions of NLP – change can be instant. But knowing this didn’t help me to erase old bad beliefs.
    I think it would be good to include this one belief as fourth belief which people can get rid of free on your site. It would help people believe that they can change themselves very quickly.
    I think that key belief prevent many people from bying your Natural Confidence course.

    • Morty Lefkoe September 25, 2011 at 6:10 pm - Reply

      Hi Vladimir,

      Thanks for the suggestion. We will look into it and see what can be done.

      That belief is one of the 19 on our Natural Confidence course.


  75. Matty September 21, 2011 at 9:30 pm - Reply

    I came, I read this article, I counerqed.

  76. Marcus Baker September 20, 2011 at 7:16 pm - Reply

    Hi Morty,

    What I know about self limiting beliefs is that the process to change these can be very layered and take time. This is not because it takes a long time to eliminate these as with using your method but because one may not even be aware that the belief is there at first.

    I did try your method and chose probably one of the most common beliefs, “I am not good enough”. I definitely felt a shift in my energy and a lightness surface when I tested it. I have not yet tried to imagine a situation in the future to test it as I reckoned I would soon discover in reality whether it was gone forever or not or whether there was some morphed aspect of it still lurking around.

    Thank you for the opportunity to try your method. When I can I will invest in your whole program and I am also interested in your new on-line training program to teach people how to help people eliminate beliefs so could you please add me to that list too.


  77. CShaw September 13, 2011 at 9:37 am - Reply

    Morty, I liked your blog, really rang true for me.
    Do I believe I eliminated the believe “Mistakes and failures are bad”? Well, I’ve certainly been tested with roughly 5 or 6 events in the last few days that I normally would have beat myself up for!
    Just to give you a few examples (despite my own “family calendar”): I mistook the date of an event for my son, thought we missed it and it’s later this week. I thought the kids’ picture day was a day earlier, I forgot to get gas for my car – which I NEVER do (but was able to find a station in time.) I forgot to drop off my younger son’s soccer gear and I left my own lunch bag on this bus just this morning! *Whew* Much of my forgetfulness is likely due to the new school year and taking on a new job with my current employer…My long-winded point is that I was able to take all this in stride and not get worked up over it! So, thank you!

    • Morty Lefkoe September 13, 2011 at 9:57 am - Reply


      Congratulations! Yes, life does change when you eliminate a belief. And when you eliminate all the beleifs that cause a specific problem, the problem disappears.


  78. Mary September 5, 2011 at 8:42 am - Reply

    Morty – I have to say that I am just blown away by the process. I did 2 of the beliefs [not important and not good enough] and it was incredible! So I bought the rest on the CD. The next morning I woke up and I felt like I was a kid on Christmas morning. I felt like the whole world lay in front of me and everything is possible. I have a set of affirmations that I say while I am running and the next day when I said some of those affirmations, I knew I didn’t need to say them anymore – becuase they were true. My affirmations now relate to skills I want to develop, but I don’t need to say the ones that relate to who I am – because I am important and I am good enough. I have been doing personal growth work for about 26 years [and I did therapy after my divorce] and this is as powerful as anything I have done. Thank you so much for your work! Amazing………….I can’t wait to work on the other beliefs!

    • Morty Lefkoe September 5, 2011 at 11:00 am - Reply

      Hi Mary,

      I’m thrilled to hear about your positive results. Thanks for letting us know.

      When you complete the entire program bring us up to date.


  79. Leslie September 4, 2011 at 9:01 am - Reply

    I had a not-so-good experience with this. I chose, “I’m not good enough.” I have been suicidal for a while. Remembering times from my childhood when I felt not good enough did not have the desired effect of ending the belief. The sentence just kept getting louder and louder, and my mind is all messed up about why I’m still here. All those memories are pushing so hard… Maybe there could be some caveat for people who are seriously depressed, that this may be triggering. I believe in it and that it can work. I’m just too screwed up.

    • Morty Lefkoe September 4, 2011 at 11:45 am - Reply

      Hi Leslie,

      I’m really sorry you didn’t have a good experience using our free belief-eliminating process. That can happen but it is very rare.

      You aren’t too “screwed up” for the process to work. I was very depressed for most of my life and haven’t been depressed now for many years. Many others have totally eliminated their depression also using The Lefkoe Method.

      Sometimes it can be hard for someone very depressed to use the on-line version of the Process and need the guidance of a trained facilitator.

      If you have any more questions, please call us at (415) 506-4472.

      Love, Morty

  80. Tatiana August 31, 2011 at 4:51 pm - Reply

    I’m not a English native speaker but I tried to say the belief in my mother language. I choosed the belief “I’m not important” and then I listened to your video and when you asked me to tell the belief I said “Eu não sou importante” – this is portuguese. I’m not shure yet if the belief was eliminated, but I hope so. Sorry for possible language errors in this comment.

    Tatiana (Portugal)

    • Morty Lefkoe September 4, 2011 at 11:57 am - Reply

      Hi Tatiana,

      What you did is a great idea that I have asked clients to do many times.

      If you formed the belief in a language other than English, you can substitute the words of the belief in your native language when you do the process. If you completed the entire process the belief probably is gone. It works most of the time.

      Love, Morty

  81. Alex August 17, 2011 at 7:51 am - Reply

    Hey Morty, I just want to say thank you for your website and the leftkoe method. It has helped me a lot with my limiting beliefs. I think what helped me the most is realizing that event themselves have no inherent meaning, only the meaning that we give to them and the ideas and feelings that we attach to them. Just this one realization has changed my entire outlook on life. I now see where I didn’t before and I realize that I can be in a state of perpetual happiness merely by attaching positive ideas and feeling to all event in my life, even the one I used to perceive as negative or bad. One belief that I’m struggling with however i that peoples opinion and judgements of me truly matter. I know I should not completely ignore the opinions of others, but it has gotten to the point where I base my actions on whether or not those around me will approve of them. I just want to be independent of the opinions of others but I obviously do not want to be selfish or arrogant. Your help is greatly appreciated.

    • Caiya September 21, 2011 at 8:29 pm - Reply

      You Sir/Madam are the enemy of cofnsuoin everywhere!

  82. Alex August 17, 2011 at 7:45 am - Reply

    Hey Morty.

  83. Costel July 18, 2011 at 7:17 am - Reply

    Hi Morty,

    thank you very much for the very valuable method you designed for ” eliminating ” beliefs ( better said from my perspective ” changing their status from true to false ” , or in other words from “belief” to “ordinary statement” ).
    I am using in my work a method I found out in a book I bought for discovering the hidden beliefs. This method I discovered in your free video would support me in ” eliminating ” them. Would it be OK for you if I use it mentioning you as author and your contact data ( website, link … ) in my coaching process with my clieents ?
    Thank you very much for your answer and consideration
    Costel Coravu ACC ICF
    Harmony & Business Coach

    • Morty Lefkoe July 18, 2011 at 7:26 am - Reply

      Hi Costel,

      Sure, you can use the Lefkoe Belief Process and tell people where to find me. Thanks. But please make sure you also tell people that you are using your version of the process and have not received any training in our work.

      We are in the process of creating a new on-line training program to teach people how to help people eliminate beleifs. Let me know if you are interested and we’ll add you to the list.

      Thanks for your interest in our work.

      Love, Morty

      • elisha September 28, 2011 at 4:13 pm - Reply

        I would be very interested in this training process thank you!

  84. Nan July 16, 2011 at 6:48 pm - Reply

    After doing the first free belief eliminating exercise, I went on and purchased the entire program. Even though I really didn’t have the funds. I just spent the last day going through the entire program.

    WOW!WOW!!WOW!!! I don’t know how this works or why it works but it seriously does! I have tried all kinds of other “remedies” to fix my issues, NLP, hypnosis, counseling, etc. none of them worked. I have tried on several occassions to run my own home based business and have failed miserably! I knew what to do, what to say, everything but I had this CRAZY fear of getting on the phone and talking to people, even thinking about it would get the anxiety going. It was a CRAZY fear because intellectually I knew that there was nothing to fear about picking up a phone, dialing it and talking to the person on the other end. BUT I just couldn’t do it! I’d spend all this time working myself up to get the courage to do it and it would last a total of two or three calls just to the point where I was being rejected and then I’d be done! I would be praying no one would answer! CRAZY!! That never made me any money. I would think what the heck is wrong with me??? this is insane!!! why can’t I just call these people? The business I just recently started I am not even making cold calls or calling my warm market, I’m calling people who actually filled out a form, put all their info on the sheet mailed it back and were waiting for someone to call them and I couldn’t even do that!!! ha ha I can laugh now! Made a few calls with easy, no hoopla, no anxiety, no stressing out….easy, easy, easy and today I went out and made $1,035.80! I’d say the program more than paid for itself! I will definitely be using your services more in the future for myself and family and will be telling everyone I know about TLM.

    I am so grateful for whoever sent me a link to your site, have to go back and figure that out and thank them profusely!! Thankful that the internet even exists so that I can go to a site like this. Very grateful to you, Morty and Shelly! Thank you SOOOO much for putting this out there for all of us to access! After going through the process and figuring out/writing down examples where all my negative beliefs came from I thought “No wonder I was a mess and had all these bad beliefs going on!” But they ARE GONE!! and it still is mind boggling to me that it’s such a simple process – minds, subconscious, beliefs – interesting little buggers aren’t they? I’m glad you’ve figured out how to set them straight!! :0)

    Forever grateful,

  85. Teresa July 9, 2011 at 2:31 am - Reply

    Hi Morty,

    Do you have a belief that you can’t help everyone? You helped me.

    Thanks, Teresa

  86. Maggie June 25, 2011 at 3:33 pm - Reply

    When I opened your email, I would have said the exercise made no difference, but then I realized that I have been behaving differently since taking it. In situations where I would typically be a quiet observer, I’ve stuck my hand out, introduced myself and started a conversation. Because I am important–as important as anybody else in the room. Neat!

    Do we get to try a second one?

    • Morty Lefkoe July 1, 2011 at 2:16 pm - Reply

      Hi Maggie,

      If you sign up again with a different email address you can do all three. And you can then get the 19 most common beliefs that cause most of our daily problems at http://recreateyourlife.com/naturalconfidence.

      Love, Morty

  87. Emily Gallios June 25, 2011 at 9:18 am - Reply

    I am at the healing stage in my life where your program came at just the right time to be the most effective and meaningful. Thank you for offering your training online. I am sure that I eliminated 2 very deep-seated false and limiting beliefs. Do you have any boundaries and guilt/shame belief- elimination exercises?

    • Morty Lefkoe July 1, 2011 at 2:18 pm - Reply

      Hi Emily,

      The only way to know what beliefs you need to get rid of for your guilt/shame is to have a one-on-one session with you where you figure out what beliefs you have to eliminate and then help you eliminate them.

      For more information, please call us at (415) 506-4472.

      Love, Morty

  88. Linda June 24, 2011 at 2:30 pm - Reply

    I found your site yesterday and decided to take the free “I’m not good enough” online program. I have been on a personal healing quest for over 20 years and yet still struggle with basic foundational beliefs that have been very stubborn. I didn’t expect it to make any difference, since I didn’t think you could talk your way out of beliefs that are that deep–that emotions couldn’t be changed with intellectual evidence.

    I was wrong! I knew immediately that the phrase “I’m not good enough” had lost it’s kick, but didn’t know if it was actually gone. This morning I found myself reacting differently than I would have when asked a question by my husband. And it was a shock to me as the words came out of my mouth! I even sneaked back on the site this morning to take the “mistakes and failure is wrong” module, not knowing if it would lock me out since I had already done one. And I can tell I am different.

    Thanks so much for your work through the years to make this available. It really works–but I know that is no surprise to you!


    • Morty Lefkoe July 1, 2011 at 2:21 pm - Reply

      Hi Linda,

      If you use a different email address, you can get in and eliminate two more beliefs.

      And then you can eliminate the 19 most common beliefs that cause eight of the most common daily problems. For more information check out http://recreateyourlife.com/naturalconfidence.

      Love, Morty

      • Linda August 17, 2011 at 10:22 am - Reply

        It has been two months now and I can tell you that not only is the “I’m not good enough” gone, but I was able to work through the “I’m a failure/disappointment” belief that has limited me for my whole life. The resulting freedom is affecting my small business, my creativity and resilience to daily challenges and my relationships. I told some of my family about it recently and they are using your method too. Thank you!

  89. Cindy June 4, 2011 at 10:11 am - Reply

    So I went through the “I’m not important” process and I could really appreciate the idea that there are several possible alternatives to “I’m not important” like my parents didn’t have good parenting skills and so on. However, the problem in my life has been not only the mistakes my parents have made but the fact that others (many others) have treated me bad for no reason. I actually became very depressed after going through the process the other day and I wonder if that is because there are other worse beliefs I have. Maybe these sorts of things don’t work for people if they have been told they are not supposed to exist? Afterall, if you weren’t supposed to be born how can anything adjust your thinking or be right for you?

    • Morty Lefkoe June 4, 2011 at 10:20 am - Reply

      Hi Cindy,

      You, like most others, probably have a lot of negative beliefs from childhood. Eliminating one is useful, but not sufficient to make a significant change in your life.

      We’ve worked with many people who were unwanted, given away in childhood, etc. and the belief-elimination process works just fine with them. I’m sure it works with you also.

      To get rid of many common negative self-estem beliefs and conditionings, check out http://recreateyourlife.com/naturalconfidence.

      For information about private phone or Skype sessions, call us at (415) 506-4472.

      It is possible to transform your life, no matter how bad your childhood, I promise.

      Love, Morty

  90. KT May 11, 2011 at 11:40 am - Reply

    Hi Morty, I went through one of your free beliefs and I couldn’t connect with how you related the belief stems from your childhood, i.e. perhaps unsupportive parents. My memories of childhood include very supportive parents as a child and now as an adult.

    Will your belief system still help me if this is the case?

  91. Patricia May 11, 2011 at 8:06 am - Reply

    I went through the change ur belief test and read the article, I web tested the ‘i am a woman test vs. M a monkey test’ but I still don’t feel like there is any change in me! I don’t feel any different maybe my sub concious is really locked and I need a test that is going to unlock it so that I can be able to remove the beliefs locked in there

    • Morty Lefkoe May 11, 2011 at 10:44 am - Reply

      Hi Patricia,

      I suggest you try one of the other free beliefs. The process works for almost everyone if you follow each step. There is no such thing as a subconscious that is locked.

      Sometimes we have a hard time believing that the belief is gone so easily and quickly when it really is gone.

      Love, Morty

  92. Vicki Bamman May 9, 2011 at 6:30 pm - Reply

    when I did the exercise, I argued with it. I hedged with qualifiers. I mentally resisted the process!

  93. Lidia May 5, 2011 at 3:49 am - Reply

    Hi Morty,

    I did try my best to get rid of one my harmful beliefs using your method, unfortunately, as I am not a native speaker of English ( I can write and read pretty well in English) yet still have problems with speaking and appreheding the oral speach in a language foreign to me (I am an Ukrainian and live in Ukraine). I do not know if reading would had the same effect as Audio program, and I don’t know if you have the same readable program. Anyway, thank you for this great job, I wish I could find something like this in Ukrainian or Russian language so people who are interested in self-growth from these countries could use your method and be grateful for such helpful material. Well, I have not given up yet and ready to listen it untill I understand everything up to the last single word:) The best of luck and inspiration for making new wonderful projects,


  94. Shelley Costello April 28, 2011 at 10:39 am - Reply

    Hi Morty
    I was glad to have the opportunity to comment because I want to say thank you to you. How amazing synchronicities weave themselves. Despite having worked on myself for a number of years I am still left with limiting beliefs. I have been working recently on my purpose, clarifying it because I feel like I know what it is but haven’t been sure. Anyway I am sure my limiting beliefs have been at play with that one too. So I read an article all about discovering your purpose and it was from there that I clicked through to you.
    At first I thought it was going to be like the usual program that I have seen so many times before where you are dangled that promise of getting to grips with eliminating your limiting beliefs only then to be disappointed or charged a lot of money you can’t afford at the time to do so! I mean a lot of limiting beliefs manifest around money and so its just refreshing to me that you offer this program completely free of charge….and more importantly IT WORKS!!!
    I read your blog post today and thought, yes that was totally me, I mean I noticed a real shift and totally felt like I had eliminated the belief ‘I am not good enough’ but then there was that thought, ‘oh my, how could that possibly be so, its been there my whole life!’
    I’ve written my first book recently but its been a rocky road and to be honest my limiting beliefs have had a lot to do with how the book has been published, the publishing company I ended up going with and how impossible its been to get the book into the market…..I haven’t been sure that writing is my thing at all and have gone back and forth with what I really want.
    The day after I did the free eliminating beliefs program I sat down and started making notes and in two days came up with the storyline and three strong character profiles, a title, cover design idea and started writing my second book, completely sure in the fact that yes my destiny is to be an author and whats more I think I am totally good enough to do that…..the changes that I have noticed in the past two days are just spectacular. The changes are definitely within, in my responses to situations where I would automatically assume the worst before because of my old belief. I know there are more and I think that the larger program would suit me, where I could eliminate all the beliefs I know I have but for now this is just amazing.
    Not surprisingly my sister has exactly the same beliefs as I do and I sent her an email last night to tell her how I think it could help her. She sent me an email this morning to say she didn’t go to the gym today, she decided to have an emotional workout instead and did the free program and was blown away…..she felt the same and said its just sinking in how huge this really is.
    Thank you again.
    Regards, Shelley Costello

  95. Julia April 28, 2011 at 9:06 am - Reply

    Hello Morty, I have another suggestion to help find out if it’s gone or not. Using a very simple method of kinesiology on one’s self. first
    ask if your name is whatever, standing very relaxed and see if your body leans forward or backward. You can ask a series of questions and yes is usually forward, and no usually backward. If you ask your subconscious if “I am not important” is gone, (take your time), if it is your body will sway forward. I just did it after reading your email, and
    it worked for me. If you want to talk more,
    my name is Julia, and you can email me and I will give you my telephone number.
    I think this will work.

    • Nan July 16, 2011 at 6:03 pm - Reply

      Wow Julia!!! That is crazy!! almost as crazy as TLM! I asked a series of questions, yes no, obvious ones, generic ones. Yes, I swayed forward. No, I swayed backwards. Then I went through the beliefs I eliminated with TLM and they were all gone according to your mystery method. What is that called? How’d you learn about it? Thanks!

  96. Mike April 24, 2011 at 9:07 am - Reply

    Marty I can’t afford $250.00 for your DVD program. Does your book explain the same principles?

    • Morty Lefkoe April 24, 2011 at 10:19 am - Reply

      Hi Mike,

      My book describes the process, but it is unlikely that you will be able to do it yourself from reading the book.

      You can get the $199 package, which you can get for $75 a month for three months. That is the least expensive way to get the 19 beliefs and 4 conditionings.

      Thanks for your interest in our work.

      Love, Morty

  97. Bonnie Seevers April 13, 2011 at 8:27 am - Reply

    I have not been able to log on to your free analysis site. It does not come up with a questionaire. Don’t know what my problem is. Do I need some site on my computer that I don’t have? I do not have this problem with anything else that I try to access.

    Sincerely, Bonnie Seevers

    • Morty Lefkoe April 24, 2011 at 10:21 am - Reply

      Hi Bonnie,

      SOrry you are having a problem.

      The site is working as many people access it daily. You might try shutting your browser and rebooting your computer. Go to http://recreateyourlife.com. Enter your name and email address and chose the belief you want to eliminate.


  98. Ellen March 31, 2011 at 8:45 am - Reply

    I am a 65-year-old woman who has been struggling for years with issues of personal unhappiness and harmful core beliefs. When I stumbled across your website, I was ready to try anything. The results of the 35 minutes or so that I invested in getting rid of “I’m not good enough” were spectacular to say the least!

    For me, a whole interconnected web of beliefs came crashing down. For the first time in many, many years I now feel inner peace, an absence of anxiety, and a knowing that I am in charge of my own life. A number of less powerful but related beliefs have already cropped up, and I’m able to deal with them very, very quickly.

    How do I know they are completely eliminated? The disappearance of my anxiety is one way. Another way has been to imagine myself in similar situations in the future, and these imaginings no longer arouse any concern at all. Also, I am already automatically interpreting events much differently than before. I’m giving myself many different interpretations and then selecting the most positive and the most happiness-producing one to believe. For the first time in forever, I really believe that I am part of a loving and creative universe where anything is possible and everything is open to me.

    I have embarked on a process of restructuring my inner/outer life, and my new creative freedom has left me contemplating how I wish to define my new self. Because I am now the conscious interpreter and creator of my experiences, there are new questions of morality and ethics to answer. I can’t just fall back on my childhood misery to account for my actions in the world.

    I am also very interested in exploring how to integrate your method into what I know about what might be called non-ordinary reality. Most manifestation work begins with eliminating harmful core beliefs, but I have never read a reliable method for doing so until you came along. And, for me personally this all couldn’t have come at a better time, so it’s a nice confirmation of the saying “When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.”

    When you read this, Morty, I hope you will know how much good you are doing in the world. I have been spreading the word and sending all my friends as well as my golf teacher to your website. Thank you, my friend, thank you.

    Of course, the true test of all your work is indeed on the golf course, so I’ll be trying it out when next I face my 3-wood. That will surely be your greatest accomplishment!


    • Morty Lefkoe March 31, 2011 at 5:35 pm - Reply

      Hi Ellen,

      Thanks for taking the time to write to me in such detail. I am thrilled to hear our work has made such a profound difference in your life. Thanks also for telling others about our work.

      And it does apply to golf. Take a look at our niche site: http://improvegolfperformance.com.

      Love, Morty

  99. louise March 26, 2011 at 12:07 pm - Reply

    La croyance n’est pas partie.
    Je sais que j’ai la croyance: je ne suis pas capable
    et je ne suis pas parfaite donc je ne mérite pas cela. Alors je fuis, je m’isole et j’ai peur.

  100. Margaet March 7, 2011 at 9:18 am - Reply

    I have a suggestion for your consideration to include in your Elimination of Beliefs program. I think it could work with beliefs such as ‘I’m not good enough”.. I would like to see a section added to have the participant look into their past for examples of where “I was good enough”.. evidence to the contrary.. the purpose would be to supplant a negative belief (I’m not good enough) with a more positive belief (I am often good enough)

    At the end of the section where you eliminate the belief, and before you move on to the WAIR, I think it would be valuable to add a section to evaluate past examples where the opposite could be true.. this would not just eliminate the negative belief, but would also introduce concepts to allow the participant to form more positive beliefs.

    • manon March 30, 2011 at 5:37 am - Reply

      Très intéressant Margaeat. Développer un nouveau réflexe de se définir positivement est parfois limité tant par notre vécu que par un manque de mots pour le faire.

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