Can You Really Transform A Noisy Mind Filled With
Inhibitions And Fear
Into A Quiet Mind That's Confident, Compassionate And Calm
In Just 9 Weeks?
That's what the three hundred and seventy-eight people who've taken the Lefkoe Occurring Course achieved by following all our instructions over 9 weeks. And I believe it's possible for anyone who aspires to have the power of a quiet mind.
The Course Is On Sale Now |
Dear Seeker,
If you've been looking for a way to overcome negative emotions, such as fear that keeps you from taking action or anger that ruins relationships... and would instead like to create positive emotions in moments, then I've got good news for you.
In a few minutes I'm going to show you how to gain the ability to dissolve negative feelings and create positive feelings just like my past students - and have the whole process on autopilot. But first, take a look at the specific results I'm talking about:
Lauren Langergren wanted to become a writer but was just too afraid to begin. She overcame her fear and started writing using what I'm going to teach you.
"…the occurring process helped me in a way to dissolve that nervousness…"
I really, really wanted to write but I would get so nervous thinking about what I wanted to write, that it prevented me from writing anything at all. And so, the occurring process helped me in a way to dissolve that nervousness and those blocks that were preventing me from writing. And now, I am just so enthusiastic about just sitting down and writing every day.
—Lauren Langergren
Andres Ratti found that he is now able to keep from reacting to people's "negative" behavior even when they express extreme anger towards him and this has had a very positive impact on his close relationships.
"I now have a peace, a calmness."
I now have a peace, a calmness. I don't have to react to what other people are doing or saying. For example, my step-father became very angry at me, yelling like crazy. And through my calmness half-an-hour later he came back and apologized. I took everything in stride in a nice way.
It has given me freedom... In this way, it is priceless.
—Andres Ratti
So What's Their Secret?
What simple concept do these people know about that most people don't? Here's the secret:
and how that reality "occurs" to them, in their minds.
Why does making this distinction allow people to dissolve negative emotions so quickly? Because as long as your mind believes that the meaning you give reality IS reality, you will feel negative emotions that logically flow from that view of reality. If you believe something is dangerous, you'll feel fear. If you believe someone did something on purpose to offend you, you'll be angry.
When your mind gets that the way reality occurs to you is not part of reality but something separate from it, you'll find that your occurring and the emotions caused by the occurring disappear. Instead you are left with calmness and peace of mind.
And now you can learn exactly how to make this distinction happen automatically using what I teach in the Lefkoe Freedom Course.
Three Habits That Will Change Your Life
The Lefkoe Freedom Course doesn't teach in the traditional sense. You don't leave with a bunch of mantras to memorize or a load of information to study. There is nothing to remember after you leave the course. Instead, you develop lasting habits that produce change automatically.
- The Occurring-Awareness-Habit. The first secret to living a life free of the prison of unconscious meaning is to become conscious of them. Just having this awareness become habitual will lead you to greater presence and peace of mind.
- The Dissolution Habit. You'll learn to dissolve your occurrings in seconds and instead respond to reality. Dealing with the reality of the physical world instead of the meaning in your mind leads to freedom from past meanings and future expectations. The sense of being a victim of things outside you literally disappears. Your constant judgments of others disappears. As a result, you experience being grounded in the here and now and empowered to deal with "reality."
- The Creation Habit. While eliminating negative occurrings is good, being able to create the positive occurrings you want is even better. So in this course you'll also discover how to create meanings that empower you to see things in ways that open up new possibilities for action and that give you confidence, peace of mind and pleasure.

The course is designed to make sure you develop each of these three behaviors to the point that they become well-worn habits. Learning how to recognize and dissolve your occurrings can be compared to learning to drive. In the beginning it was difficult, you had to think about each thing you were doing. Later, the process of driving became so habitual that you no longer needed to "think" about each step. You just do them.
The same happens with the Lefkoe Occurring Course. Once you complete it, you notice and dissolve your occurrings automatically -- you live with the power of a quiet mind..
Actually, developing the three habits in this course is easier than learning to drive in one important way: When learning to drive you have to do each skill "right" in order to keep the car on the road and avoid crashing. In the Lefkoe Occurring Course, I teach you one skill at a time so you can master that skill before moving on. This sets you up for a much smoother ride through the course... and ultimately through your life as well.
"...By The End Of The Course You Were Doing The Process Automatically."
I just finished the Lefkoe Occurring Course and I would definitely say it was one of the most important classes I've taken because the results were life changing. I had some reservations because of the cost, but it was worth every penny and then some.
Most courses/books/cds/seminars give you lots of information about how to do their processes, you may even have a chance to practice at the workshop, but the majority of the time, the workbooks/literature, etc. end up on a shelf somewhere gathering dust. You have good intentions of doing the "work" but life gets in the way. Not so with the occurirng process. It was structured in such a way that by the end of the course you were doing the process automatically.
As a result of the course I experience much less stress in my life, I find myself in a happy, peaceful frame of mind most of the time and I have improved my relationships with other people because I just don't get upset by their behavior. All those niggling, annoying things that happened to me throughout the day that led to irritation are a thing of the past. The only reason they were irritating and annoying was because that's how they occurred to me. Now I can notice how reality occurs to me and dissolve the meaning I am giving it right on the spot. Without a meaning, those things no longer bother me. That is priceless.
I just wish this course had been available 7 years ago when my husband started getting dementia. My whole experience of it would have been very different and I could have saved myself a tremendous amount of stress. I encourage you to learn it now and then you'll have a tool that can make those challenging times so much easier. Thank you and bless you, for being the loving genius that you are.
—Ricki Rush
Here's What's Included In This
Comprehensive Course
- Bite-sized weekly lessons. A lot of courses pummel you with an avalanche of information which leads to mental indigestion. In this course, you get comprehensive knowledge and skill but in bite-sized chunks that are easy to consume.
- Drip-drip assignments. When we learn something, we inevitably make mistakes. And when mistakes are corrected only once a week or worse not at all, we get into bad habits that can derail our learning. In this course, you get daily assignments and daily feedback. That way we correct all errors early so you develop good habits that keep you on track.
- Sixty-minute live webinars. During these training sessions you'll be presented with the key concepts needed to deepen your occurring practice. These live sessions have both the audio and video recorded for you to download and listen to later, and for those who cannot attend the live class. During these webinars you'll be able to ask questions and have dialogues with me about your daily assignments.
- Private coaching. Because I am committed to making sure that everyone who participates in these courses comes away able to easily notice and dissolve all their occurrings and their negative emotions, you are asked to call for 10 minute coaching sessions whenever a question or problem arises. There is no extra charge for these private coaching sessions that ensure your success with the program.
- Membership In The Occurring Community. This is not just a course; it's a community of like-minded people who have come together for a single purpose: To live more fulfilling lives, free from the negative occurrings that most people have throughout the day. Several participants have said that the daily feedback from other group members lead to personal breakthroughs that allowed them to have the peace and freedom of a quiet mind..
Click Here To Join The Occurring Community
"It was as if there was a group energy that was doing a lot of the work."
In this course I went very deep into a sense of myself that I thought was 'real.' It turned out not to be. I'd based a lot of my life on this notion. With this 'false self' dissolved I've discovered what underlies that. It is an experience of freedom, of a sweetness, of a sparkling energy.
I also especially liked the group participation. It was as if there was a group energy that was doing a lot of the work. I've never experienced anything like this before.
Thank you!
—Martin Rutte
Co-Author NYT Best Seller
Chicken Soup For The Soul At Work
Is there a guarantee?
The online version of this course has been running since 2010 and the results are more than evident. To see what we mean, check out the alumni experiences. Our alumni have shown up that this course produces consistent results, hence there is no money back guarantee on this course.
What if I can't attend the course and wish to opt-out?
If you have to opt-out of the course because of an emergency, you will be given your money back PROVIDED someone on our waiting list takes your place.
Incredibly Valuable Bonuses
(Available with Premium Option)
Bonus Training 1: The "No Buts" Technique by Morty Lefkoe (worth $199)
When you set a goal, sometimes obstacles seem to slow you down or get in the way. This can be frustrating and prevent us from achieving what we want. With this training, you can eliminate this frustration by actually making the obstacles disappear. Instead, they become stepping stones that seem to help you achieve your goals.
Bonus Training 2: Creating Your Own Context by Morty Lefkoe (worth $199)
Sometimes life just seems to work. Everything comes
together. Things just flow. Unfortunately, such times
usually end. But do they have to? In this training you'll
discover how to create the sense that life just works. Even
when things go "wrong" you'll know how to make the
perceptual shift that lets you take advantage of what's
"right" about the situation. It always feels like life is on
your side.
Frequently Asked Questions
When does the course begin?
September 9th
What days and times are the live sessions?
Thursdays at 1 pm - 2 pm Pacific Time starting on September 12th and ending on November 14th.
How much time does the daily task take?
About 30 - 45 minutes five days a week.
How much time do the weekly lesson take?
They take about 30 minutes to read.
Here's How To Join The Occurring Community
"I Am In The Current Occurring Course
And I Have To Say It's Been Worth
Every Penny."![]()
I am in the current Occurring Course and I have to say it's been worth every penny. I feel happier and more peaceful. It's a new way of 'being' rather than a new way of 'doing'! By posting our results every week, Morty has been able to support and help us all the way and all the participants have been able to connect with each other. Morty has created a very powerful process and if you put in the effort over the 9 weeks, the results are literally life changing.
Thanks a lot Morty!
Beginning your journey to a lifetime of freedom from your occurrings and the negative feelings that result from those meanings starts right here. The tuition to join this course and gain all of its benefits is $1695.
If this course only changed your life for one year that would be just $4.65 a day for freedom from fear, anger and negativity… but you get these benefits for more than one year. You get these benefits for a lifetime.
And to make this affordable for as many people as possible, I'm also offering a 7-month payment plan. Your first month costs just $255, after that you pay 6 payments of $255.
Only 20 people can join the course and seats may fill up quickly, so don't wait. To take your next step in creating a life of freedom, joy and unlimited possibilities click here.
To freeing yourself from your limitations,
Co-Founder, The Lefkoe Institute
P.S. Remember, this course has already changed the lives of
over 300 people. It will work for you too, if you do the
The Lefkoe Freedom Course
Regular | Premium | |
Lefkoe Occurring
Course lessons |
✔ | ✔ |
Feedback on your
assignments |
✔ | ✔ |
Live Sessions x
10 |
✔ | ✔ |
membership in the LOC Community |
✔ | ✔ |
Bonus: The
No Butt's Technique (valued at $199) |
✔ | |
Bonus: Creating
a life context (valued at $199) |
✔ | |
Special Price | ||
Option 1: Monthly Installment Pay | 7 x $240
= $1,680 Join |
7 x 255 =
$1,785 Join |
Option 2: Single Pay (Save over $100) | $1605 Join |
$1695 Join |
"I'd Like To Say That This Course Is Well Worth The Money And Much More."
I'd like to say that this course is well worth the money and much more. This course is a process that goes on daily for the 9 weeks and is designed to modify our habits of not being present and mistaking our thoughts and feelings from the past for reality. You don't know how much you are stuck in old patterns until you get unstuck. And this course does that and, as I said, much more. The constant unpleasant feeling I had on a day to day basis and didn't even know was there is gone. I've been dealing with problems during the course and finding solutions for them much faster. And, more important, the course is designed in a way that, if you follow all of the instructions and do all the assignments as they are given, you won't need a technique in the end, this will just be the new way you go through life, being present and aware of reality and dealing with what happens in a much more effective way.
Thank you!
—Mario Califfa
"What is the price for peace of mind for the rest of your life?"
I've been taking the current Occurring Course and I can honestly say that is has changed my life in a way that no other program has. When I first started, I had a lot of times where I felt like a victim and was stressed and worried, but now, things that used to bother me rarely do, I come up with solutions faster and I catch myself before I spiral downward. In general, I am happier and more peaceful.
When they told me that if I followed all the instructions and did all my homework in this course, I would never really be stressed again, I thought, "It's a chunk of money, but how many more programs would I NOT be buying in the future if I do this one?" So I bit the bullet.
What is the price for peace of mind for the rest of your life?
"Previous things that used to frequently upset me no longer do..."
Previous things that used to frequently upset me no longer do because through this course I truly got that my experience of life comes from the meaning I'm giving everything in the moment, and that meaning is not the same as what's actually happening in the real world, and now I can also change that meaning whenever I want to do something else I'd enjoy more.
This material from the Lefkoe Institute has allowed me to have more choice and control over how life shows up for me, and I would recommend it to anyone who's looking for more choice in how they experience their life.
—Michael Scheibe
"I never thought I could afford it, but..."
I'm on my last week of the course, and it was amazing. Now I can easily distinguish between reality and "my story", and live life stress-free. Morty and Shelly have, and are doing, an amazing job! I just wanted to say, that I never thought I could afford it, but I emailed them, and they let me pay over 9 months. A true blessing! It has changed my life forever in a better way.
"Almost nothing stresses me out."
I've just finished week nine of the occurring course. Here's what has happened: Almost nothing stresses me out. My relationships are smoother because I very rarely get upset by other people's behavior. I feel calmer, happier and more in charge of my life.
How did this happen? I learned to see the difference—in every moment—between how things really are and my story about how things are. It used to be that, if the boss frowned at me, I knew I messed up a project, he was mad or I was going to be fired.
Now I know that reality is just that the boss frowned at me and the rest is a story. I have so much freedom, flexibility and choice in life. No more knee jerk reactions! When all I know is that the boss is frowning, I can actually go up and ask if there's a problem. When I was sure I was going to be fired, I wouldn't go near the guy!
Brilliant work.
"Many of my fear based thinking has gone away."
I've just finished a 9 week Occurring course. I wanted to move more effectively toward my goal without getting stuck like has happened in the past. One big thing I noticed things that I would get real upset over in trying to accomplish a goal or step of a goal if things didn't go well. Now it just easy to resolve my problem and easily learn and keep on with getting my outcome. This is huge for me. Also many of my fear based thinking has gone away. This process is so quick and easy to get results, I highly recommend it. I have done many different personal growth trainings and few are as useful as this.
—Ken Korpi
"What is unique about this course is they make us practice and follow us throughout our progress ..."
Most courses tell us what to do in books or send us a DVD on what to do and what actions to take so that you can benefit from it. But what is unique about this course is they make us practice and follow us throughout our progress, so that at the end of it we do things automatically and easily and get the benefit we are promised!
As far as the price is concerned, I got an excellent installment offer, so it was not at all hard on my monthly expense.
We spend lots of money to escape our emotional sufferings. We buy clothes, buy cars, toys etc. But imagine when you have no emotional sufferings, you can save so much money which you would have otherwise spent. A friend once told me he has to buy an expensive car so that he can attract girls. But this is his occuring! Without this occuring he can save all that money.