The coral reef had become a silent graveyard but was soon brought back to life

A lone diver placed a few black boxes on the “dead” reef, set up some cameras, and then swam away. Weeks later, something had changed. There were fish gliding around where few had been before. They were finding food on the reef, and so accidentally cleaning it. Sea creatures that make food from light were back, too. And, of course, predators had returned. The reef was thriving again.

What caused this sudden transformation?

One of the black boxes the diver left behind contained a speaker. This speaker broadcasted sounds that attracted other fish. The sounds were not of classical music or rock and roll, though. They were the sounds of a healthy reef. These sounds attracted reef-dwelling fish, which helped the dead reef recover. A dead reef, it appears, isn’t permanently dead. With the right strategies, it can recover.

Limiting self-beliefs also seem to “damage” us

But while many see this damage as permanent, we know you can recover. You can change limiting self-beliefs, which empowers you to live more as the person you want to be. So, we’ll be discussing why limiting beliefs about ourselves have the negative effect they do and how to remove them. But first, we need to define what a limiting self-belief actually is.

What is a limiting self-belief?

A limiting belief is a belief about yourself that gets in your way. “I’m not good enough,” “I’m not important,” and ” I’m not worthwhile” are examples of this kind of belief. They lead to behaviors that go against your values and goals. You would like to become an author, but fear stops you. You would like to get in better shape, but you don’t see yourself as “that kind of person.” You would like to speak up at work more often, but something holds you back.

Self-beliefs are a kind of prison because there is little room for escape

If you believe dogs are dangerous, you can just keep away from dogs. If you think exercise is boring, you can find something more interesting to do. If you think you are deeply flawed as a person, then you can’t escape. This flawed person will go with you wherever you go.

How do you remove limiting self-beliefs?

One way is to use the Lefkoe Belief process. There are six steps. Here they are below.

  1. Identify a belief.
  2. Find the events that led to the belief.
  3. Come up with alternative interpretations.
  4. Realize you didn’t “see” the belief.
  5. Notice the events have no inherent meaning.
  6. Test to see if the belief is still here.

You can get more details on all the steps by reading this post and this one

Or you can get very specific guidance into eliminating one of your own beliefs by going to our free belief-elimination videos found here:

Finally, we offer training at least twice a year in which we show you exactly how to use this process. You can find out more at and join the waiting list there as well. In fact, registration for the next class will start in January 2020. To join you must be on the waiting list.

To sum up, limiting self-beliefs seem to damage us but can be changed

This kind of belief is a belief we hold about ourselves which gets in our way. They are especially limiting because we cannot escape them. We carry our “self” with us wherever we go. You can get rid of them using the six steps of the Lefkoe Method.

Remember that just as a dead coral reef may appear to be permanently destroyed, the right sounds can bring it back to life. So too, can you and others regain any power you have lost by forming limiting beliefs. All it takes is the right approach.

Training: How to Eliminate A Limiting Belief In 30 Minutes

On January 14th, registration for the Lefkoe Method Training 1: Core Belief Coaching (LMT 1) will open again. By the end of the course, you’ll eliminate a belief in 20-30 minutes. If you’re a coach, therapist, or in a profession that allows you to coach or counsel others (or even want to join such a profession), this training is ideal as you’ll be able to help your clients make big changes in their lives. Some people even join the course for self-help.

To be eligible for this training, you must be on the waiting list first. Here’s the link to join the waiting list:

While you are on the list, you will also get a few goodies about the power of eliminating beliefs.

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