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My post several months ago, How To Live In A State of Bliss produced many more comments than usual. Many of you disagreed with my statements that it is possible to never have negative emotions if you dissolve the meaning you give the events that produce the emotion.
I’d like to respond to some of your comments as I think a lot of people think that it is important to feel ALL our feelings, even the unpleasant ones, and that it is impossible to take action if we don’t have emotional responses to events.
The negative is not necessary to achieve balance in our lives
I don’t believe our goal should be to only experience positive emotions. If one
does not acknowledge and accept all sides of themselves and all emotions
that they feel, then they will not achieve a sense of balance in their lives.
After spending 20 years reading all the self-help books and partaking in a
couple of the programs you have to offer, I have come to this conclusion. Like
anything good in life, one can get accustomed to it or the “bliss” starts to lose
it’s meaning and significance. That’s one of the main problems[of] most , if
not all, self-help programs and gurus……they’re always trying to find ways to
make the bad go away. There is beauty in the imperfections of human beings
and the “negative” ways in which the mind works. There really is something
to the concept of Ying and Yang. It’s old, it’s simple, and you don’t have get rid
of anything or learn any techniques for being or living. I’m interested in your
response, Morty. –Eric
Eric implies that we inherently have negative and positive emotions—that they are part of us, and we should accept them both.
I would contend that our emotions are primarily the result of the meaning we
give events (some are the result of conditioning), and if we stop giving negative meanings to events, we will stop having negative emotions. If you say trying something new means you probably will fail, you will feel anxiety. Anxiety feels bad. If you realize that trying a new project or even failing has no inherent meaning, you won’t feel anxiety.What’s wrong with that? What wrong with stopping pretending that the meaning
you gave a meaningless event is true? Yes, we have a built-in capacity for positive
and negative emotions (good for me or bad for me), but that doesn’t mean we need
to feel negative emotions.Thoughts can’t be hurtful
It’s very challenging to remain impassive in the face of negative comments
and abuse. Thoughts are powerful and hurtful ones, once verbalized, pierce
like an arrow. I’ve spent my life dodging the arrows and stray bullets. It’s
hard not to take things personally and abuse will win unless you take action.
–LucilleMy experience is that if you really do not give meaning to what others say,
their comments are not “hurtful.” Moreover, it actually is not “hard” to not
take things personally when you learn how to stop giving meaning to events.
The Lefkoe Occurring Process actually makes it relatively easy to stop giving
meaning to events.You don’t need to give meaning to events to take action
Hi Morty,
Reading this post, and then Lucille’s take on it, leads me to ask about the
physical realities of positive or negative events brought by others into our
lives. For one example, if a stranger on the street comes up and says “you’re
an idiot” well, I don’t have to live with that guy and maybe if I do some self-
reflection he might have been giving his opinion over something I might have
overlooked and desire to change, perhaps something like walking under a
construction scaffold?But what about when the other person’s comments are from a person whom
you have deeply ingrained in your life like a wife or serious girlfriend?
What if ignoring that person’s negative comments, such as anger toward
you for something that is strictly within “their” perception rather than
something “you” have done, will lead to negative actions? How to “not take it
personally” and yet still react in a way that creates positive change from such
a situation? — SmokeYou do not need to give meaning to a meaningless situation to be able to take
appropriate action. If you get fired you don’t need to give it the meaning that it is a
disaster to look for a new job.If someone “treats you badly,” e.g., yells at you, you can choose to not give it
any meaning and still choose to not deal with that person in the future. Or ask
them why they were angry. Or take any other action. In fact, if your thinking
is not clouded by the emotions that result from occurrings, it is easier to take
appropriate action after dissolving your occurrings.If you found this post useful, please tell your friends and followers by using the
buttons at the top of this post.If you would like information about having a Certified Lefkoe Method Facilitator
help you permanently eliminate any problem in your life, please call us at 415-884-
0552.If you haven’t yet eliminated at least one of your limiting self-esteem beliefs using
the Lefkoe Belief Process, go to http://recreateyourlife.com/free where you can
eliminate one negative belief free.To get my blog posts as podcasts, sign up for the RSS feed above or look up “Morty
Lefkoe” at iTunes to have the podcasts sent to you weekly.copyright ©2012 Morty Lefkoe
Why do we feel blah after we have too much of a good thing? Is this simply a reactive response?
Why is it even necessary to feel bad?
Hi Gemma-
The attempt to answer your question-
what are the purpose of our feelings?
The purpose of our feelings is to have a guidance system for survival. We come equipped with the ability to feel fear or love. Anger, frustration, jealously, loneliness, etc. are all there to provide us with information so that we can make decisions about our life. Same thing with love, happiness, joy, excitement, passion. They are are triggers like a rudder of a plane or boat, they provide directional guide and feedback so we can decide where to go with our life.
Example: Abusive spouse? We feel fear, anger, rage, etc. What to do? The spouse has the issue-anyone who beats up another or yells has issues, obviously.
So we have a choice-yell back, beat them up back, cower in the corner, etc. OR
realize that they live in fear, we do not have to react with anything but love, we can leave and wish them well, we can try and get them help, or any number of things. We have feelings so we can see how to respond.
Just my two cents.
I will join you in saying you are absolutely right. Not allowing things “out there” or other people or ANYTHING that happens to affect you is not only possible, it FREES your life.
I used to have all sorts of negatives in my life and I grew up learning that feelings were bad, so I stuff them all down. Then later, they bounced back up like a beach ball. Then you realize that maybe always letting them rule you isn’t so good either. What to do?
Realize that in reality there are only two emotions. Fear or love. That’s it. All negative feelings we have are always because we are afraid of something-loss of a lover, loss of a thing, loss of a job, friend, whatever.
The Bliss you speak of is walking in love. Not a pie in the sky woo woo kind of high, but an acceptance of what is and without attaching any sort of negative to it, no matter what happens, it allows you to move on, to take action to solve the problem, or to at the very least not go into stress mode over something that you have no control over. Most of fear is about control and no one can control anyone else or the world or anything that happens. We can do the best we can but ultimately, as the old saying goes -Sh_t happens. What we do with it, and how we react is up to us.
The people who want to hang on to their stuff simply do not realize that it is all perception, we can see things with love or fear. Total acceptance is love, all else is fear. That does not mean that everything that happens is ok – murder, rape, stealing, etc. but even those people who commet those acts are all operating from a deep fear based life. Actions based on love do not include those things.
Grief once processed can free you because you reach acceptance and wisdom.
You can get to a place in your life where you can look at pretty much anything as a learning experience.
Thanks Lexi, this is brilliant.
Hi Morty.
Thank you for your blog, I have only recently become interested in the deeper part of emotions and what you have written has really made me think and I enjoyed reading about your views.
Dear “William”
It does not concern me who you are or if you are using a fake name. You have no objective or subjective standpoint in this discussion, therefore I am unaffected by your judgements or perceptions. I really am finding this a very meaningless interaction and wish you luck on your journey. Wishing you a speedy learning process. Thanks.
I have recently come across this blog and find it fascinating. I love the comments in the debate but find it interesting that when pressing the icon to see everyone’s profiles and backgrounds on the discussion, that EQ lover and realist is the same person. Why is this? “…creating change’ more like confusion?
None of what you just said has anything to do with what I said. It’s not a ‘belief’ it’s a fact. The reason I pressed on those 2 names especially was because you were saying that one person had a few different names/nicknames but yet you have 2 names but 1 profile, is this your projection perhaps? Wishing you clarity.
This post comes to mind:
“The only people who are mad at you for speaking the truth, are those who are living a lie. Keep speaking the truth.” xx
To answer your question – I am Creating Change as I am not allowing lies anymore. The only confusion exists in the other parties distorted beliefs and perceptions, which have been her safety blanket for 27 years. Time to move on, release the past and get on with living a live based on facts and truth. That is a state of bliss.
Thanks for your posts and comments realist/ EQ lover. I think I’ll learn my own way though as I do not feel right taking advice from someone who can talk so nastily about someone else. Hope you have a lovely 2013.
I think you might just be looking in the mirror again. You have a funtastic, jam-packed 2013.
This is such a farce and I regard it as “trivial nonsense” as I clearly spelt out to you in my mail. You and I both know that you are as guilty of what you accuse me of, the difference is that your “nastiness” extends to many others, including your own blood family. It affects so many relationships, because you only believe your truths – which have been deleted, distorted and generalised over the years. Remember I do not make statements lightly, 5000 might just be your “unlucky” number. Then there will be no more room for confusion then as the truth will be out in the open. Live your life and forget about us. Be honest and ethical and you will be blessed.
I’m not the person you obviously think I am. Just thought I’d let you know that. I know of both of you but I am not her so have no idea what you are talking about.
We did not come here to live a life in bliss 100% of the time. If we only lived in bliss then we are not learning, we are not growing.
Feeling anger because of something that is meaningful to us is fine. It’s healthy. It’s what we do and how we channel that anger that matters.
For example, I get angry at the injustice that goes on around us. Like the riots here in the UK, if you’ll remember them (assuming you stay current?). I was jumping because I empathised with the original cause of the rioting, but at the same time I was jumping because youths started looting and vandalising. The overall event meant something to me, so I expressed my emotions. No I wasn’t in bliss at the time, but that was okay with me. I learned something from that, related to my own growth.
I have experienced dissolving the meaning of a meaningless event myself in the past.
Like if someone rubs me up the wrong way, putting me in a bad mood. That’s essentially a meaningless situation, where dissolving the meaning is beneficial.
I view emotions like jealousy, anger, guilt, shame, etc as being tests in life, they force us to grow at some point in some way, and this I have experienced for myself, so I know it’s true. Every single emotion in existence has a purpose. And we have to be able to feel them fully as part of the human experience.
When we try to suppress emotion, we create dis-ease, which is damaging. This has been demonstrated before, and I’ve experienced this myself.
More recently when there’s drama going on around me, I often notice at the centre of it, my everlasting essence. It’s my inner stillness and calmness where all is as it should be. It’s like the eye of a storm. That’s bliss.
Unfortunately, many people do not notice their own stillness at the centre of the drama going on around them. But at some point, they will start noticing it more and more, as long as they are making a conscious effort to place less meaning on meaningless drama. It’s a part of the process of transcending the ego.
Hi Gemma,
Thanks for joining the conversation. My post has certainly stirred up a lot of comments.
If you haven’t dissolved your occurrings, it can sound as if I am suggesting that people suppress their feelings. That is not at all the case. I think suppressing feelings usually leads to bad consequences.
What I suggest (and practice in my own life) is noticing when I give meaning to events and then I dissolve the meaning so I can deal with the actual event,not some meaning that exists only in my mind.
When I do that, I notice that my feelings (most of which are caused by the meaning we give events) dissolve at the same time as the meaning does.
I’m not saying it is good or bad to have feelings, pleasant or unpleasant. I’m only saying that our feelings don’t exist to tell us anything about reality, because reality has no meaning and didn’t cause our feelings. They are the “accidental” result of meaning we unconsciously give events. No meaning, no feelings.
Love, Morty
Okay, two questions, to help me understand your response better.
1) How would you define reality?
2) What are the purpose of feelings?
There are emotional states that arise seemingly out of nowhere that also seemingly have no particular meaning or thoughts attached to them. We may just think of them as our moods. These are the result of past imprinting as early as our time in the womb when emotions came up that were frightening. These emotions were suppressed and continue to influence all subsequent events and emotions
Michael Brown’s book “The Presence Process” deals with this and this book and the process he describes are extremely interesting and helpful in this regard. The emotions are finally fully experienced and no longer have influence. The book is full of wonderful insights.
Hi Morty,
when it comes to ROMANTIC RELATIONSHIPS, wich are primarily based on feelings, isn’t it natural and acceptable to base our decisions on how we feel? What does it mean to fall in love then? Is it OUR choice, or are there “superior forces” as we like to believe? And when your partner wrongs you in any way, and makes you feel (or you choose to feel) hurt, shouldn’t we base our decisions on that? If we consciously choose to see the “good” in everything, it means we can get along with everyone just fine and everyone can be “the one” for you.. I think we all like to know that the person we’re with is unique, special, can fulfill our needs and is right for US. It loses the romance and authenticity to know that we “made” that person right for us because we chose to change how to feel about them. It’s hard for me to believe that all situations don’t have an intrinsic meaning, that we’re the ones creating the meaning everytime. Aren’t there situations that everyone would interpret the same way?
You say we don’t need bad feelings for us to act. But when it comes to relationships I believe that negative feelings we have towards people are what guides us, what tells us if that person is someone you want in your life or not.
I’d appreciate if you could clarify me on this aspect.
Thank you very much,
Fidelma Pereira
Hi Fidelma,
If you use feelings to determine your behavior, but your feelings are based on unconscious, automatic meanings we give events that aren’t The truth, then you are pretty much acting blindly.
Moreover, I’ve never seen a situation or event that has inherent meaning, that everyone–young and old, from the US or African jungle, 20th century or 18th century, Republican or Democrat, etc.–would give the same meaning to.
I didn’t say to see the good in everyone, I said that the meaning we give is accidental, based on our moods and old beliefs, and are not The truth.
For more information on creating love for no reason, see an earlier blog post, https://www.mortylefkoe.com/love-unconditionally/#
Love, Morty
Thank you for the reply Morty. I got it now!!! Feelings are as subjective as the meaning we give to a situation, and they all depend on my unconcious beliefs. So to base my behaviour on feelings is no different than acting on the meaning I atribute to an event, wich I had already understand. What I had was the misconception that feelings were “real”.
Also the fact that no event has an inherent meaning for EVERYONE that ever existed not only friends and family… it’s a very good point.
Best Regards,
I wondered the same thing and my understanding is that even this so called need to have a special partner and have them fulfill all our needs is totally made up by the beliefs we created for ourselves. To say someone is special to you is just the meaning you are giving them, they are not inherently special because you could change your mind about them if you guys break up or they betray you. I remember being head over heels in love with this guy from my past and then we broke up but remained friends, and 5 years later we tried dating again and the feelings that I had for him before just were not there and I was almost even repulsed by him. I soon understood that he didnt make me feel anything it was the meaning that made me feel things about him and it wasnt inherent in him.
Hi Jen, thank you for your reply :)
“To say someone is special to you is just the meaning you are giving them, they are not inherently special because you could change your mind about them… ”
“I soon understood that he didnt make me feel anything it was the meaning that made me feel things about him and it wasnt inherent in him.”
That’s sooo true, I’ve experienced it myself. I just never thought about it in those terms.
Thanks for making it much clear to me!!
Hi, Marty I have a question for you ,I was born in 1961 and I was put up for adoption A very wonderful couple adopted me ,I lived a good life with sibling rivilery I have 2 sisters older than me they have always been jelious of me and my DAD,.Well here is the question since I was born I have alway’s had things in my life I was fond of and then by some strange reason yhey were taken away and then something bad would happen to me at age 9 I was hiit by a drunk driver while riding a horse and almost died I suffered a fractured skull an concuion,then at age 17 a friend an I were camping and he threw gas on the camp fire an my leg cought fire ,9 months of tourture and 2 operations later Iwith a skingraft I recovered,then at 21 I hit my head on the spot I had my fractured skull then I started to ave sezuries,my life became a shambulls,Now my seizures have stopped after 8 years ,but my girlfriend is very controlling I can’t even seet my Children an Grand children,It is awful can you help me????
For me, Morty nailed it with this explanation. It’s late at night and it starts to rain. You aren’t going any where, so the rain has no effect on you. It might even help you sleep better. Now imagine that it’s you’re wedding day and its raining. The rain has ruined your day! That’s a ‘thought construct’ , a meaning you have given to an event. Now imagine that you are a farmer and you’ve been experiencing a drought. The rain is a blessing. Same event, different meanings depending on YOUR interpretations or meanings that you assign to the same event. It’ all in your mind. By not assigning ANY meaning to an inherently meaningless event, you are free from the emotions (good, bad or indifferent. It really is that simple. Once you grasp that, YOUR FREE.
This is good to listen or read, but to put on practice…that is other question, help me to put this in practice, please
Hi Michael,
I like your comment and in this moment I feel happy and grateful for you, your comment, and all that you’ve accomplished. Congratulations that it only took you a book and $20 to become aware of your potential and possibilities in your life moments. Some are not so lucky.
I don’t believe in right or wrong anymore, good or bad, neg or pos because they are just labels and vary from person to person and consciousness to consciousness. (the eye of the beholder) Remember when people thought the whole world was flat or that the Earth was the center of the Universe?
Now, when my car broke down, I had two paths I could take, either personally and get upset that “this is happening to me? Again? NOW?” (ego) or I can laugh it off and say, what can I learn from this or, ok what other 2 meanings can I give to this event now, like, “Ok, I avoided a big huge accident that would have sent me to the hospital, or, maybe the person who stops to help me is single and ends up being my wife?” You don’t know what you don’t know. It’s off your radar and when you are not aware of possibilities they will pass you right by.
We don’t have to PROVE anyone right or wrong because we are all 100% correct according to our own stories. You are correct Michael, your kids are correct (after all they are just being kids), Eric is correct, Morty is correct, I am correct, Lauren and all the others are correct based on their story. It’s just if/when we choose to want to evolve or not. For some it happens fast, like you, for others it may take a lifetime, and it might not even be in this life.
If Morty and all the other teachers were alive in the middle ages, we’d all be burned alive for not going with what’s “right”! Thankfully most of us have evolved from that mindset and choose our paths and know we don’t have to prove anything to anyone.
In my perception, up until now, we just have to Be… (human beings). We just have to exist. That’s it. We don’t even have to live in fear or love, be right or wrong, good or bad, neg or pos, we can just live and be… (ourselves)… in this moment.
Preston, i meant “disrespectful”. Damn iPhone.
But hey, Morty himself finally responded to me…..do you see the difference between his response and yours? You don’t need tell me how much you make per hour. You fine the way you are, regardless of how much you make. And again, I apologize for name calling.
Eric, there are no ill feelings on my end. I just see a bunch of letters and words on the screen, they mean nothing to me. I’m happy in this moment that you felt compelled to apologize, but again they are just letters and words and mean nothing to me, just like your other comments.
I am not Morty and he will respond differently than me. I choose my words, he chooses his words, and you choose your words. As a result we each create our own reality. In this moment, this is how I choose to be.
I live in the middle now, not any amount on the left or the right (fear and love in my mind). That’s not to say that I don’t get angry or happy in moments, but I don’t REACT and give the emotion/feeling any meaning (or I choose to give the emotion a meaning that makes me feel better) and either way I don’t attach it to me, I, or to any part of my identity. (I am not angry. I FEEL angry in this moment. I am not Sick. I feel sick in this moment, rather I feel healthy. I am not happy. I feel happy in this moment)
They are just thoughts and feelings and are not true unless I make them true. Feelings and beliefs are not me, they are separate from me. I am me, perfect in every way!! (and so are you) It’s only when I/we give those past, present and future events meaning, or take other people’s meaning as our own, and attach them to our perception of self identity that the pain, or as they say in the Bible, the suffering, begins.
This is what the Lefkoe process has helped me to understand and realize. Most people will let ego take over and turn it into a fight, mainly with themselves, they argue with the voice in their head but can never get rid of it and can never win.
Now, you can hire people that charge more and there are coaches and books that are a lot less. I hired and paid several coaches $1,000 per hour and it was worth every penny! Michael bought Morty’s book for just $20 and sounds like it was worth way more than the monetary value he has placed on the info inside.
I’m not telling you how much I make per hour, that’s how much I charge!! I’m just giving you a another perspective. My hourly rate just happens to be the monetary value I place on myself in this moment and that may change in the future, but it doesn’t really matter, it’s just a series of numbers. Do you believe I’m worth it? Do you believe Morty is worth it? Do you believe YOU are worth it? How do you come up value? It’s just your choice, based on your beliefs, or program, and you are right either way.
Michael, how do we know you are not Morty? Lol :-p
Morty, I’ve already taken your occurring course. And at the time, it helped. But none of the results lasted at all. That’s why I’m upset.
Preston, I apologize for any mean or Disresextful things I said. You are an intelligent and passionate person and I hope you can forgive me.
Hi Eric,
If you practiced dissolving occurrings 15 times a week for 10 weeks, it will have gotten automatic most of the time When it isn’t automatic, you have to use the Lefkoe Occurring Process consciously, but if you do, the occurring will dissolve.
I’m not clear what you mean when you say “the results didn’t last.”
Please call me and let me see if I can help. (415) 506-4472.
I’m truly sorry to hear that you feel the course didn’t help you.
Love, Morty
Hello Eric !
Just want to say thanks to you for being honest and telling us why you responded the way you did !
I actually fell touched that you did !
My experience right now…
Hi all! Who wants to join me in proving Morty right?
Full disclosure: I’ve spent almost $20 with Morty, I bought his book. And yet, my life has changed in so many wonderful ways. I share this not to gloat that I got off cheap, or that you shouldn’t support his business (do support), but to let you know he’s not trying to rip you off! Why? Because I’ve only spent almost twenty bucks (sorry Morty) and am happier than I’ve ever been in my life as a result of the techniques THAT HE’S SHARED FOR FREE IN HIS BLOGS!!
It’s not rocket science people, though I feel like for the first time in my life I might be able to do rocket science :) Crazy!
Am I in a constant state of bliss? No, but I didn’t get pissed off at my 7 year old this morning when he didn’t want to go to school. I didn’t get pissed when I read the naysayers in this discussion. I don’t hate myself any more. How? I learned a technique from reading a certain someone’s (ahem, free) blog. Simple. It’s right there in front of you. Do it or don’t.
That being said, I’m going to work on proving Morty right. Who’s in?
p.s. If anyone wants to argue, please know that I’ve given you a preemptive “you win” :)
Lol…great post
Hi Deborah,
Thanks for joining the conversation.
Yes, eliminating beliefs enables us to significantly reduce the number of negative feelings. But in addition, it is possible to dissolve the meaning we give events, moment by moment, and when we do that, the emotions caused by those moment-to-moment “occurrings” dissolve also.
So we do not need to continue to experience sadness or grief if we quickly dissolve the meaning that is causing those emotions.
Love, Morty
And that is how it occurs for you. I hope you find the answers you’re looking for and continue to grow.
Love and Light on your Journey,
The people that need the most love are the hardest to love.
Your words are your words and have no effect or meaning on me. They are 100% true to you, but since you are transmitting those thoughts you will attract back to you what you put out. If acting and thinking the way you do makes you feel happy, then enjoy the journey, just be aware there will be consequence along the way, as I’m sure are affecting your life now.
I am very happy with your comments because it’s only coming from your story, not mine. It allows me to see there is much work to be done in this world. BTW, as a coach, I charge $500 per hour.
Life is about love and the journey. Have a fantastic day!!
There you go again Preston…on the defensive. For the last time, if you had read what I wrote above, you would’ve known I have tried some of Morty’s work…with some success too. Also, every issue you suggested, I have no problems with. I told you folks I’m living a fulfilled and successful life.
To be completely honest, I do not wish any success for you. I hope the worst, which has sort of happened to you, with your mom and dad. Especially your dad. I can only hope for continued pain and failure in your life….enough so that you will come to your senses or that they ultimately overcome you. You continually indicate, by your responses and reaction, that the meaning of what I am saying to you, you cannot dissolve. You are on the defensive, you insult, you are arrogant, etc., etc,. Thanks for continually proving my point. I can sense what you cannot dissolve Preston, as you are strafing this…hahahahah.
And as for you Lauren, again, admit that you took LOP almost two years and only recent you THINK you won’t be revisiting self-help….but you will….over and over again……looking for answers you can’t find.
I hope you figure this out for yourself; because your self is the only one who can do it to your satisfaction.
Love and Light on your Journey,
You don’t read and take other people’s words except tell us we are wrong based on your beliefs. I don’t have to repeat myself to you since you choose to only believe what you already believe to be true. I can only imagine that it’s a tough life for you, maybe problems with health and weight, and relationships and money? Look around you, only you created that life, not any of us.
From my other posts it clearly says the the Lefkoe process has helped eliminate any negative belief I HAD based around events that happened when I was a child. This has already helped me so there’s nothing else to do except be happy and feel good, something obviously missing from your life. Once you realize that you create every thought and feeling you can learn how to let them go and eliminate them. I recommend you give the Lefkoe a try and free yourself before you continue to bash it and us because it clearly works for us. It will not work if you don’t believe it will work.
The elimination process already happened for me so there is no need for me to spend any more time with any neg beliefs because there are none, something you clearly don’t get or understand – you don’t know what you don’t know and so you feel the need to lash out and defend your point of view like so many in this world. You need to believe what you see rather than having faith and believing first.
All I can say is a closed mind is a closed mind. I think it’s clear you will never agree and be happy based on the program you have installed. Too bad there are sooo many people with a closed mind like you in our world. But that’s your choice and with help from people like Morty and me, we will change the world for the better. Open your mind to what’s possible and let the light in. Have a fantastic day!!
And Lauren, you completed the Occurimg Course approx. 2 years ago and you are deciding now that you don’t need self-help anymore???? Really Lauren? This is your proof of the efficacy of the occurring process?
Again folks, please be honest with yourself. Please. And please understand I want the best for you and I don’t want you going in circles, looking for something that doesn’t exist. And I think some of you forgot what I wrote in my earlier comments about how some of what Morty’s work helped me. Geez. Dissolve your negativity towards me and what I’ve written before responding. :-p
Preston, see? You spoke and felt like a person with a huge chip on his/her shoulder. I knew it. Good luck spending your entire life trying to dissolve the meaning from those events. And Continue to read all the self-help books you can in order to find the answers you are looking for. Hmm……too bad you couldn’t dissolve the meaning from my previous posts and they made
you feel way you did and respond the way you did.
Preston, you are clearly another example of why these techniques don’t work. Sorry about your tough past and I truly wish the best for you. Take care.
Sorry for my ignorance as far as business is concerned; I thought the discussion was about dissolving meaning with beliefs and occurrings. Truth? This is what I know: the other day I told my sister that I’m not buying anymore self-help programs. Why? Because I discovered a process that works for me; I don’t see Morty as some guru on top of any mountaintop dispensing wisdom and advice. What I feel and understand is that I’m happy, life is an adventure, I do things because I’m interested in doing them. Before natural confidence and the occurring course, I had little confidence and rarely stood up for myself. I’d been looking for a long time for something that was precise and done in a step-by-step manner. I enjoy his articles; it’s up to the individual to decide whether or not to buy his programs, etc. By the way, how do people’s answers to your statement, “don’t lie to yourself for arguments sake or because you feel the need to defend Morty. Be truthful.” OCCUR for you? It’s up to you to decide whether anyone here is being “truthful”. And you’re the only one to use the word “ideal” which is the meaning you’ve pinned on what we’ve achieved. I can say this: I don’t have to go on a search down a thousand different paths anymore because I found something that works. And that’s it. And if I have a tendency to wax poetical, well, I am a poet…btw, idealism and perfection are boring; serenity and strength aren’t.
Love and Light on your Journey,
Ha!! Eric, studies have proven that most negative beliefs happen before age 7 or would you like to argue that point too? That’s not a judgement. and no I wasn’t abused or come from divorced parents. I actually grew up watching my mom die from cancer and in the process watched my father turn into an alcoholic. And the only person I have anything to prove to is myself. Have a fantastic time!!
Of course you have nothing to prove to anyone. I can see that by your reply. Why the judgment? What’s happened in your past? Were you abused by your parents? Oh wait, you come from divorced parents?
I’ve done some of the Lefkoe Belief Process, and recently took the Occurring Course. I can tell you quite clearly that feeling anxiety about a situation at work, or feeling outrage and anger over traffic problems, or feeling helpless and angry over someone’s treatment of me IS NOT A “GIFT” THAT THE UNIVERSE IS GIVING ME. That’s absurd. They are feelings, call them negative or positive, I don’t care what, that interfere with my better functioning in life, and sap my energy, and leave me less effective and less happy. And they are quite clearly mostly caused by the meaning that I give to reality. The ability to create meaning may be called a gift, but then wouldn’t it be my responsibility to the Universe to learn to use that gift in the best possible way? And if you’re reading this blog and trying to get what Morty’s work is about without actually doing it, well, it’s just philosophy without practice, and that will make no real difference for you. I urge you to do the Natural Confidence program, have a private session, and especially to do the Occurring Course, it’s priceless! And I hope Morty makes lots of money sharing this stuff!
Eric this is fun. You must be implying that I’m PROUD that there are no racing thoughts in my mind and that it’s a result of the Lefkoe Method. You are correct. And yes this is the time of enlightenment. More and more people have been getting it for thousands of years and the more people that “get it” now the less hatred and negativity there will be in the world. That is love and peace. Only by changing the individual mind can the collective “world” mind be changed.
I feel sorry in this moment for you because you sound like you have some very negative thoughts running through your mind and it most likely is causing pain in your life. That is a sign to me of fear; worry, doubt and resentment. Who wronged you in the past and what are you afraid of? it’s OK to forgive those who have wronged you (including yourself) and don’t live in the past man. You can eliminate your pain instantly, right now.
Your thoughts are just lies and destructive and you are believing them. You are living in the ego, consumed by your thoughts and trying to justify them but you can’t. That’s your choice though, because you are the main star in your story and you are 100% correct, just look around you right now. You created everything in your life, not me or Morty and it’s perfect because you are perfect just the way you are. You can accept that and believe it or not. You will only believe your story just like I am also 100% right and believe in my own story. Everyone has their own story and we are all 100% right, in our eyes.
I no longer need to make others feel right or wrong because it’s a waste of time. I can confidently state my point without the need for you to agree with me, that just satisfies the ego. Can’t you see? There is no right or wrong, good or bad, negative or positive until you put energy to it and accept it. Those are just labels your program has you believe. They are an illusion and can change based on your perception.
You may not get it in this lifetime and my hope is that you just live your life and do the best you can with whatever it is you are trying to accomplish. My goal is to feel good all the time. I suggest you try it. It makes life fun.
Preston, you are arrogant. People need to “get it” like you, right? If they “get it”, everything will be fine, huh? I never said “everyone is wrong.”
Residual income creation is a cornerstone of business, Lauren L. And to the others who didn’t understand where I was coming from, I’m not just referring to this article…..it’s ALL the articles Morty’s written and what he is promising clients. It’s also that he’s convinced you to strive towards an ideal (of which you will never reach) so you feel impelled to reach out to him and other sources.
Folks, don’t lie to yourself for arguments sake or because you feel the need to defend Morty. Be truthful.
To say negative emotions are normal is just a meaning you are giving to negative emotions…you can give negative emotions all kinds of meanings and feel differently depending on what meaning you give, but negative emotions have no inherent meaning, they are just negative emotions.
I’ve eliminated the beliefs on the Natural Confidence DVD as well as participating in the Lefkoe Occurring Cours in 2010. I’ve read everyone’s comments on Morty’s posts and sense that some people want to give their negative emotions a new label like a “gift”. The negative emotions I’ve felt about myself and situations were no gift. What Morty discovered is the gift; dissolving the meanings that produced the negative emotions. The first time I experienced it was the free belief eliminator on his website. I’ve said this before and it describes the experience better than anything: it’s like wiping away the grime on a window and allowing the sun in. I didn’t need to “install a positive belief to take place of the negative one.” It was just gone; I felt as if lost emotional weight, felt strong and serene, peaceful and powerful. And when you lose weight, you don’t replace it with something else, do you? Since 2010, I’ve shed more emotional weight because the occurring process gives me the ability to see “the reality of a situation” instead of feeling hurt and feeling depressed for hours or days because of what someone said. I have control; if something does bother me, than I look at it head on and dissolve the meaning I’m giving it. And it’s far easier to admit when I come off half-cocked and way easier to apologize. As far as positive and negative emotions; I prefer serenity. And I’ve never felt “numb”. Eric says, “But I think you are setting people up for failure and a false sense of relality by telling them they can live in a state of bliss or that negative emotions are not necessary. ” They aren’t, Eric. When I’m feeling that sense of bliss and serenity and as far as seeing reality? I see reality when I’m not caught up in my negative emotions. We like to think they are necessary because, hey, we have the right to feel like crap. We do; but do we have to feel like crap and claim that’s “reality”. I’ve heard that a thousand times from people who claim that feeling negative emotions IS reality. But it isn’t and this may frighten people who aren’t aware of feeling anything different. We are the Creators; we aren’t our thoughts, actions, or feelings. When a belief or occurring is dissolved, I am grateful that I have a way of eliminating it. Who wants to feel bad? BTW, Morty has eliminated over a 100 beliefs himself. Humans are always looking for a “once and for all solution”; there aren’t any. And why shouldn’t he make a living from something he worked on for a long time and that helps people? People are individuals; this residual thing is strange. It’s not possible to force anyone to pay someone to get rid of one’s belief. It’s a choice. Just the other day, I did feel hurt because of the meaning I gave what someone said. Instead of caroling about it being a gift, I looked at it and dissolved it. The one residual I’ve experienced it that the tools of the Occurring Course keep on giving and giving….
Love and Light to everyone on their Journey,
I have been helped to understand that all emotions are communication from the wise part of me that sees the experience from a much broader perspective. If I have an experience that feels negative, that feeling lets me know that I am seeing it in a way that the wiser part doesn’t. It is letting me know so I can choose a better feeling thought about it. It is how I am thinking about the experience that is causing my response to it. My thoughts and responses to everything filter through beliefs that I have been given from early childhood. But, a belief is a thought you keep thinking and can be changed. If we have beliefs that don’t serve us then we need to train our thoughts so we can begin to believe them. For example: If someone who matters to me says or does something to me that feels demeaning, the reason I feel bad is because I believe them. I am so much more than what that person said and the wise part lets me know with a feeling/emotion. It gets my attention. Why would we give our power over to someone else’s opinion? We have no idea what their believe systems are and why they are behaving the way they are. Question the mind. It has many thoughts that aren’t true. It has been said that the un questioned mind is the cause of all suffering. Every experience is an opportunity to practice. This is why we need to train our minds and use processes and programs such as this one that will create a greater connection to our true powerful self.
I have read Morty’s post and his words make a lot of sense. I think the distinction of positive/negative for our emotions and feelings is very outdated, old and not so useful. This makes a lot of people worked up because of the meaning attached with the negative in our current society. There is no such thing as as a Negative or Positive emotion. They are just labels or distinctions that helped our old old ancestors in becoming aware of the energy flowing in our bodies and use it for guidance. I dont like to use the terms negative and positive for our feelings. I have realized that there are many more useful and valid distinctions such as contraction/expansion, opening/closing, heaviness/lightness, sinking/rising etc from which we could view our feelings and receive the guidance from them and they dont tend to have so much charge which negative/positive has. Earlier, in most self development circles the idea was to only feel the positive and accentuate the positive etc and now in many circles the idea has evolved to feeling all feelings and NOT resisting the so called negative which is a huge step forward but still this idea is interpreted inaccurately by many people. But, i believe this is just a stage in our evolution of our species. There is more to this idea than what meets the eye.
What those evolved teaching are trying to say is to FEEL the feelings or the essence or the energy, and not FEED the stories which show up as our emotions. Its our stories that filter the energy and give it a subtle distinction of Contraction/Expansion, Opening/Closing, Heaviness/Lightness, Sinking/Rising etc. Yes, so called negative or contracting or heavy feelings are very very normal. They are just an indication that we are holding on to an unconscious idea which is based on some misperception, incomplete information, outdated information or is just plain inaccurate. And, our energy points us to this guidance if we choose to pay attention to it and then either dissolve the story as morty does with his cool method or if we just Be present to the energy (not the story) and feel it without labeling it as negative/positive. The original distinctions of contraction/expanding, opening/closing are just to become aware of the energy that is rising within us. Then, instead of accumulating more meaning to the energy or creating more stories around it, just allow the energy to be there and the emotion as the story shall pass in a minute or two leaving more clarity, wisdom and understanding that we ever had in our life. Morty’s method also allows us to do the same thing but from a mental perspective via dissolving the stories.
From what i understand, What Morty is saying here is to dissolve the story or the label that we are unconsciously telling ourselves and then the energy goes to its natural state which is also known as Pure Awareness and sometimes it also occurs as bliss to us and opens us to a great amount of new possibilities. I am also realizing that this is also a major key in consistent Peak Performance. It doesnt mean to avoid the energy or go in denial. In fact what most people unconsciously do is become identified with the story. And, this idea that both positive and negative (again inaccurate distinction) feelings are important is inaccurately interpreted as a permission slip to just roll around in the stories. In fact, we unconsciously identify with our ideas as WELL as our emotions which are again just energy filtered through our stories we are telling ourself. Infact we think we are our emotions and feelings. Example: Say am feeling fearful a lot, i might create an identity out of it saying I am a Fearful person. And, then i just keep rolling around on the outer edges of that fearful energy and never go to its core because of the identification with the stories we are telling ourself and are actually afraid of being present to the energy and let it be there to dissolve.
This could also be done at the energy level. You dont want to take morty’s words of wisdom and dont want to work on the mental level? Fair enough. Then, do it at the body or energy level. When any of these feelings arise which is the energy filtered by the stories, labels, unconscious definitions then just simply just let the energy be there in the body and be present to it and let it run its course to completion till there is nothing left to feel and it would dissolve automatically within a few minutes.
Best of luck to All!!
And, yes i would also like to add that dissolving the meaning or the story doesn’t make us feel numb. Rather, it does the complete opposite. It makes us feel more ALIVE since we are in our pure energy or pure awareness state. Numb is an emotional state which comes from unconsciously living in our stories or meanings. All emotions are just meaning filters put on top of our pure energy state which make our energy move in one direction or another. We are made up of pure energy as science has already proven and it is not possible to not feel the pure energy if we dissolve the meanings. And, a lot more possibilities open up when the meanings are gone and we are free to go in whatever direction we want without an unconscious pull in one particular direction.
Great posts V
Couldn’t agree more !
You described it beautifully ! Feeling more alive ! Yes ! That’s what it does to fre ourselves from thoughts and beliefs… an it’s a wonderful feeling that a lot of people seek out through extreme sports, sex, or anything else…
Since Aliveness is our nature, it doesn’t take that much to feel it when we know how…
Thanks V ! Great stuff !
Hey Alex,
Yes you are right you can live in bliss all the time, but not under the current scenario. People forget that we are mind, body and soul. People can exercise daily and eat healthy, they can learn new things and be the smartest person, yet they can still suffer from illness or dis-ease and can even have financial and relationship problems. The key is to be balanced and not live consciously. People need to get quiet, still the mind and connect with the silence as in meditation. only when all 3 pieces fit will peace be allowed in. Otherwise their thoughts, actions and beliefs just comes from ego, which we know is a lie.
After eliminating my self limiting beliefs with the Lefkoe method, the first time I realized that I didn’t have any more negative thoughts was when I was driving. When I jump on the interstate and have to drive a while, typically I would think about all the things I have to do and what I could be doing and how that person wronged me and all that stuff. After eliminating my neg beliefs I realized that when I was driving, I didn’t have any thoughts at all in my mind, not positive or negative. I was just paying attention to what I was doing in the moment. No past or future, just now. Once I was conscious of that, I realized that both pos and neg are just choices and when we are only paying attention to what we are doing in the moment, nothing else matters. That is bliss, to me.
Hello Preston !
Agreed !
Although there is other possibilities if you are open minded.
I found Grant McFetheridge’research to be the most fascinating and promising for experiencing continuous peak states (like bliss for example)…
His website is http://www.peakstates.com
I juts love to know about people who’s work it is to help people experience higher ways of functioning that besome permanent. That’s the reason I come in here once in a while to check what’s happening…
Thanks for your reply !
Hey Deborah,
Yes the time is now. People are begging us for help. But everyone has an opinion and thinks they are right and everyone else is wrong. No one wants to be 100% responsible for their actions and then they blame others for their perceived problems. It’s not about forcing people, it’s educating people so they can choose to make better or wiser decisions about their lives NOW and we are ready NOW.
If something happened yesterday, last month or 30 years ago how can that be affecting anyone now? It’s in the past and can only affect them positively or negatively if they keep bringing up their past. And if people focus on the future and how to do things and all the what if scenarios, well the future hasn’t happened yet. The only thing that matters is what is happening right now and really if you are THINKING at all you are not living in the NOW. Remove thoughts (which are from the ego anyway) and you will live in peace.
People are ready now, which is why coaches and mentors like Morty and myself are in demand and websites like this are created. You can get to your Promise Land much faster with a teacher then trying stuff on your own. Heck we all experiment with everything else, why not open up and give it a try instead of thinking we are right and everyone else is wrong, like Eric above. We are all right and wrong at the same time, just depends on whose telling the story. Only the individual can give meaning which is why your problems don’t affect me, until I choose to let them. So it’s not about force or getting people to do anything but getting them to open up to their possibilities and their potential. This is a time for awareness and people are begging for help. Once people become aware they are the creator and they can choose their meanings and feelings and thoughts, they can live in peace and enjoy the journey. Life is just a journey, enjoy the ride.
Excellent point made. If something happened nearly 30 years ago how can it still be”bothering” you ad be the identity that you wear as a mask? Very good post.
Hi all !
Wow ! That a lot of reaction for a post !
Personally, I can’t find this post unfair or dishonest nor can I find any proof that Morty’s intentions were actually to get a residual income from this post… but I’m open if there is evidence of that…
It is really possible to actually live in bliss all the time and people can still feel physical pain and even cry if a loved one dies, but all of that is experienced so differently if it is experienced without meaning ! We can’t even call those experiences negative experiences or these emotions negative emotions when they are experienced like that !
I guess the only way to truly get it for someone would be to actually live even temporarily and then see if they find that experience healthier or if they find the “experiencing negative emotions” healthier. I’ve experienced both in intermittent fashion and I find the bliss healthier iwth no numbing of emotions and no trying to avoid emotions and no difficulty to relate to others.
If there is an emotion, it is experienced fully, usually for the first time and it’s not considered negative. It is the most authentic experience and expression of an emotion that we can have.
When in bliss, there is no need to try and find the positive or convince anyone to find it. We are able to stay fully present with someone, even someone really angry and be there if they ask for help and be there or go away if this is what they want, without imposing our beliefs of what they should do.
If anyone wants to read the experience of someone who has experienced bliss for years or decades without any of the drawbacks that I read in the posts, Byron Katies “Loving what is” and especially “A thousand names for joy” illustrate that beautifully.
There is also the book “End your story, begin your life” from Jim Weaver.
They both teahc simple processes that anyone can do, no need to pay forever and those who do it will experience and know what it does to them.
Doing it is the way, talking about it is speculating and it’s ok, until we want to live it.
Live well !
Great posts you all !
I also would like to recommend samething to read and reflect on.
Maybe for different point of view I recommend anything by U.G. Krishnamurti.
His books are totally free at ugkrishnamurti.net
Thanks for your contribution, it helps me to accept the fact that negative feelings are normal. In the past, I have tried to deny those feelings and have gotten into deep sadness over the denial. However, Morty’s occurring process has really helped me understand the perspective of other people.
Hello and I’d like to chime in with my 2 cents. I grew up with a lot of negativity in my life and after going through the Lefkoe process with a coach I found that the people above that are not “getting it” and think that people must have neg emotions are just conditioned to think this way.
Negativity is only a CREATION based on a feeling that is attached to an event, person or thing. We create our thoughts and so if there are no negative thoughts, or perceptions of negativity then how can anything be negative? When you get this you will really have a blank mind and then you can choose how to “react”.
If you have a conscious thought it must pass through YOUR filters in order to make it to the conscious and be in your reality. For instance, go back to the time of about 1 or 2 years old where the mind is free. How many little kids are treated for depression? Probably none, because they have not learned negativity yet or how to be depressed. They only know love at this stage. When they become aware of their surroundings and what people TEACH them is good or bad or right or wrong, only then do they have the relative side of Good or Happy or LOVE. If you never know what a problem is, how can you have one? Just like if you never knew what pizza was, how can you have a slice? If it’s not something that has been installed in your brain, you don’t know what you don’t know, right?
The problem only arises when that individual gives energy to the past, future or present event and the negative side is created by the ego, which is also a creation. It’s only a thought creation based on fear, which is just man made. And for you to have ANY thoughts at all are just creations and not real.
The Lefkoe process teaches us that we are the CREATOR and not the CREATION! Understand this now. You create. You are NOT the result of your Creation, meaning you can change things because everything is just a perception based on YOUR filters. People don’t want to be 100% responsible and thus become a victim.
For instance, if you feel negative about your body you can change the meanings to love. You can LOVE the way you are right now. That doesn’t take drugs, or anyone else, only your belief in letting go of the past and not focusing on the future. Love everything now and you won’t have anything to hate, does that make sense?
Instead of looking at yourself in the mirror and saying, I’m fat, I’m ugly, I’m this or I’m that you can just be I, or me or you can just Be as in a human being. And a being or to be is defined as existing. We are human beings not human doers. When one places the labels of I, me, we, our, we are coming from negativity right off the bat and it’s unconscious but is still OUR thoughts and feelings. That is a place where the ego lives and is pure negativity. It’s like the old cartoons of the devil on one shoulder and the God on the other. Once you decide which one to listen to, the other one disappears and you take on that persona, which is created. You are not really you but a summation of all your experiences. Which is why you can look at an optical illusion and Believe what you are seeing. It’s not true and you may say, I know it’s not true but I can see this moving. But what happens if you are not aware that’s it’s just an illusion, then you tend to believe what you see and experience. You give thought energy to it, make a decision of neg or pos and store it as a belief. If your perception happens to be neg over and over, that will strengthen your neg belief. So the opposite must be true, which is what the Lefkoe method teaches. If you become aware, don’t react and choose a different meaning, that neg belief will be ELIMINATED!
When you remove the I and know that you are NOT your feelings, they are just chemicals that are attached to thoughts and events and people and things, you can have feelings and know you are not the feeling or thought, which is ego and not love. Your thoughts and feelings are not true and are just thoughts and feelings.
So for those of you that have a negative feeling, that feeling is coming from something you created and stored deep inside you and it could have happened so long ago that you don’t even know how it started. If the feeling is gone the thought is gone and therefore no longer in the conscious. For example if you get into a car accident, or lose your job, or lose your spouse or kids, you create and choose the feelings you want to associate with that event. It can either be from love or from fear. When the reactive thought of, “Why me? I’m such an idiot. I can’t believe this is happening to ME,” becomes conscious it’s just a reaction. Now most people respond that way, but some like me, say, thank you for this opportunity to learn and grow and be happy. You never know what’s off your radar or around the corner and that perception of bad can really be the best thing to happen to you.
I can talk for hours on this topic and think it’s time that people need to really GET IT!! The only reason you have a neg perception is because you chose that feeling to be conscious instead of one from love. Maybe you feel like the VICTIM. The Lefkoe method simply teaches to come up with at least 2 DIFFERENT, not new, just different meanings or interpretations to past, future or present events. When you choose instead of react you come from the Middle Way as taught in Buddhism. There really is no right or wrong, good or bad, health or illness because it’s only in the eye of the beholder. You can Choose Wisely or Poorly today. So how do you choose to create your life today?
I’ve been following Morty’s posts for a few months now and enjoy his extra large dose of positivity. However, I do think that avoiding or misconstruing negativity in one’s life leads to a feeling of numbness that can actually make it difficult to relate to others in their time of need. I have experienced this first hand as I strive to find the positive, but sometimes people just don’t want to hear it. They want “real” and “empathetic” which don’t always come with a smile. I believe the most important part of finding balance in life and dealing with negativity (because, come on, it’s just not possible to live with rainbows and unicorns all the time) is to reflect on the positive in the situation. The yin and the yang. If you look for negativity, you’ll find it – same with positivity. It’s there. It’s also important to realize where the negativity is coming from – you? or someone else? If it’s someone else that is pushing negativity your way, put yourself in their shoes for a minute and then decide how to handle this specific situation but don’t succumb to their feelings – fight back with a positive attitude. Many people say terrible things about others, but most of the time it is a personal reflection on themselves. Embrace the negativity if needed, give yourself a minute for your own personal reflection, then stop wasting your time. Life is short.
I thought Daniel Goleman is the author of Emotional Intelligence, not you. I’m confused. Please clarify. Thanks.
(my full message wasnt posted because I mistakenly clicked on “publish”)
Morty, what you are doing is not fair to people and not honest. You are giving them some sort of idealized goal (I.e. “bliss” or absoutely no meaning or feeling regarding negative feelings), and then of course, they can’t reach it and then need to continually use your additional services and need to remove an unknown amount of beliefs before they get to really where they want to be.
Morty, please be a little more responsible with article titles and please be clear on what you can and can’t do for people. And tell the truth. Don’t set up some kind of system where it is necessary for those in need to continually use your services for the sake of residual income. Also, I would recommend to read up on some physics and revisit concepts like Yin and Yang.
As a result of some of your teachings (among other influences), I am and have been living a dream life for almost two years. But there’s been roadblocks, heartaches, and struggles, but overall I’m productive and I feel good about my life and one main reason for this is that I understand that there is much beauty in the imperfections in life ( including negative feelings) that should not be overlooked, not felt, not acknowledged, and/or ignored.
If you have never experiencing dissolving meaning on the spot, it can be difficult to imagine that it can be done. However I and almost 200 people in my Occurring Courses have done just that.
To the extent emotions come from meaning we give events, if we dissolve the meaning as soon as we recognize it, then the emotions caused by the meaning dissolve also. This is not a theory. This is the experience of almost 200 people. I’m not asking you to believe it. I am just reporting my experience and observations.
There is a profound difference between suppressing or refusing to acknowledge emotions and dissolving their source so that they literally disappear. I’m talking about the latter.
Thanks for joining the conversation.
Eric here again. I appreciate you referencing my past comment. But I think you are setting people up for failure and a false sense of relality by telling them they can live in a state of bliss or that negative emotions are not necessary. We dont need to “feel” negative emotions? Really Morty? What reference will you have for bliss if you are continually in that state? What about on a molecular level where we have positive charges and negative charges? What would the universe be like without the negative charge? You acknowledge and accept the negative that you feel, you don’t not feel it. You’re only burying those feeling inside. Feel negative feeling doesn’t mean acting on them or paralyzing yourself from being productive or achieving your goals or taking that energy and then using it in a constructive way.