Our team is composed of professional Lefkoe Method Facilitators and Instructors. Our growing family is working hard help everyone by using and teaching the techniques pioneered by the founder of The Lefkoe Institute, Morty Lefkoe.

Rodney Daut
Facilitator / Instructor / Strategy / Marketing
As a former public school teacher in Long Beach, I first crossed paths with Morty Lefkoe in the early 2000s, which led to a transformative journey sparked by his book, “Re-Create Your Life.” After experiencing the profound impact of Morty’s work and becoming friends with him, I transitioned to work for the Lefkoe Institute, where I’ve been instrumental in shaping marketing programs, live workshops, and online training systems, driven by a deep desire to share this life-changing knowledge.

Liane Carmi
Facilitator / Instructor / Copywriter
In 2012, I unexpectedly won a course with Morty Lefkoe, introducing me to The Lefkoe Method (TLM). The straightforward approach used by TLM profoundly addressed challenges I’d faced for years, such as anxiety and emotional eating, and created in me a sense of freedom and endless possibilities. My studies continued, encompassing TLM and other insightful modalities. Today, as a Certified Lefkoe Method Facilitator and instructor at The Lefkoe Institute, my passion is helping others change behaviors and emotions that hold them back, guiding them to find their path and experience real, lasting change.

Beatrice Aronovici
Facilitator / Instructor / Psychologist
In November 2018, as a psychologist seeking new solutions, I embarked on a journey of self-discovery through The Lefkoe Method (TLM). From initially skeptical to wholeheartedly convinced, I dove deep into TLM, completing the certification program in 2020, and now, I’m committed to spreading its life-changing power in Israel as an instructor, backed by my passion for its balanced approach and the immediate, efficient results it offers.

Sabina Fevre
Facilitator / Instructor
My journey with The Lefkoe Method (TLM) began when my sister introduced me to the Natural Confidence Course, and the profound simplicity and immediate, lasting results of TLM left me hungry for more. I was drawn to become an instructor to share this fantastic method and witness people’s evolution on their unique journeys, creating better experiences for clients while enjoying the challenge of teaching in diverse ways.

Marie-Madeleine Rigas
Facilitator / Instructor
My husband’s friend recommended Shelly to me when I had concerns regarding having children. Embracing TLM turned out to be the best decision I ever made, as it offered a logical and somewhat magical approach, and now, as an instructor, I share its healing power, a journey inspired by my daily use of Lefkoe techniques, all while recalling a childhood idea that resembled TLM in a far less refined form.

Joel Stevens
Facilitator / Instructor / Web Developer
A friend recommended I do sessions with Shelly Lefkoe for some issues I was having and I was profoundly impressed by the experience. The Lefkoe Method has provided me with a newfound understanding of the world and others, which I didn’t have access to before, driving me to become an instructor to help others identify the links between their issues and past trauma and promote healing through this proven method.

Blake Lefkoe
Facilitator / Instructor
Although I grew up with two parents deeply immersed in personal growth, I felt the need to rebel against it. For decades, I embraced a hedonistic lifestyle, avoiding self-reflection and personal work. But eventually, I realized my life had become unfulfilling and unsustainable—I was stuck in the very patterns my parents had helped others break free from. Finding my way back to The Lefkoe Method, I used it to create a profound transformation. Now, as a Certified Lefkoe Method Facilitator, I’m dedicated to helping others eliminate the beliefs that keep them stuck so they can create authentic lives filled with freedom, joy, and possibility.

Shelly Lefkoe
Shelly has helped thousands of clients worldwide recreate their lives by ridding themselves of a wide variety of problems including phobias, relationships that never seem to work, violence, procrastination, unwillingness to confront people, health and wellness issues, and sexual dysfunction. Her clients have eliminated emotional patterns such as fear, hostility, shyness, anxiety, depression, worry about what people think of them, and a negative sense of themselves.

Morty Lefkoe
Morty was the creator of The Lefkoe Method that results in profound personal and organizational change, quickly and permanently. He wrote a book about the Lefkoe Belief Process (LBP), Re-create Your Life: Transforming Yourself and Your World. The book explains how the LBP works, how it is significantly different from most forms of psychotherapy, its spiritual implications, and how its principles can be applied to parenting, health, business, and social change.