The Lefkoe Method (TLM) is very different both from most personal growth techniques and most forms of psychotherapy.

To begin with, TLM is not merely about personal growth—although it does deliver that.  It goes well beyond that in promising that specific behavioral and emotional problems—such as depression, eating disorders, a wide variety of negative emotions like fear and anger, and many dysfunctional behaviors—can be totally eliminated. Although personal growth products are all different in their claims, for the most part they offer emotional and behavioral improvements, not the total elimination of existing problems.

In that respect TLM (which consists of the Lefkoe Belief Process and a number of other psychological processes) is closer to psychotherapy, although it is different from most forms of therapy also.

Here is a list of some of the most important differences and links to other blog posts that discuss each difference in more detail.

1.  The Lefkoe Belief Process (LBP) assumes most psychological issues are the result of beliefs (and sometimes conditioning) and can be totally resolved by eliminating the relevant beliefs.  Our work is different in two important respects from other disciplines that claim to eliminate beliefs, such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT):

  • First, we contend that beliefs can be permanently eliminated in a matter of minutes.
  • Second, because we contend that when beliefs are eliminated the problems they cause are not merely diminished but totally eliminated, we guarantee to help clients totally eliminate their fear of public speaking, not merely reduce the extent of the fear.
  • Third, the beliefs and conditionings that cause problems are totally eliminated during TLM sessions and require no client “homework,” whereas CBT requires clients to constantly challenge their undesirable/dysfunctional thinking processes as they recognize them in daily life.

2.  TLM theory of survival strategies explains most compulsive behavior and offers a rapid approach to eliminate that type of behavior.  After forming beliefs that result in low self-esteem and a negative sense of oneself (such as I’m not good enough and I’m not important), we do something that makes us feel good about ourselves and we then conclude: What makes me good or important enough is … (having people think well of me, being successful, being smart, etc.).  We are then compulsively driven to do whatever we decide makes us good enough or important.  Eliminating the underlying negative self-esteem beliefs and the survival strategy beliefs stops this type of behavior completely.

3.  Emotions are caused both by beliefs and by stimulus conditioning.  The Lefkoe Stimulus Process can decondition those stimuli.   It is also possible to have a negative sense of oneself or life and to have negative expectations.  The Lefkoe Sense Process deconditions negative senses and the Lefkoe Expectation Process deconditions negative expectations.  In both cases the process takes only a few minutes.,,,

4.  It is possible to condition stimuli to cause specific behavior, such as conditioning negative feelings to cause emotional eating.  The Lefkoe Deconditioning Process can decondition those “triggers.”   Individual triggers, such as boredom, anxiety and depression, can be permanently deconditioned in a matter of minutes.

5.  Many people understand that events have no inherent meaning and that most of our emotions and all of our behavior come from how those events occur to us moment by moment.  The Lefkoe Occurring Process has proved effective in enabling people to learn how to easily and quickly distinguish between events and the meaning they unconsciously and automatically assigned the events, and then to automatically dissolve that meaning in seconds.  If the LOP is used frequently enough, there is actually a reduction in the frequency of our “occurrings.”  Although I am not aware of any form of psychotherapy that does this, it is the goal of various Eastern disciplines.

6.  The Who Am I Really? Process enables people to quickly and easily get into an altered state of consciousness after using the LBP to eliminate a belief.  In that altered state they have the profound experience that anything is possible, nothing is missing, and they have no limitations.  Many people describe this state, which takes only minutes to enter, as similar to meditative states that can take years to achieve.  The LBP not only produces practical benefits, it is highly spiritual in nature.  There maybe some forms of therapy that offer this, but most do not.,

7.  The Lefkoe Method includes several useful processes for organizations, including a process that can easily be taught to all employees: how to eliminate beliefs starting with “I (we) can’t ….” and a process to change the behavior of large groups of employees when the environment changes and radical behavior change is needed.

8.  Some TLM processes are offered to clients via streaming video and DVDs, which enables people to eliminate serious psychological problems inexpensively and anywhere in the world without needing a live facilitator.

9.  People with minimal academic qualifications can be trained in only a few months to become a LM facilitator and help people make massive improvements in their lives.

The Lefkoe Method clearly has the potential to transform the quality of life on the planet.

If you found this post useful, please tell your friends and followers by using the buttons at the top of this post.

If you would like information about having a Certified Lefkoe Method Facilitator help you permanently eliminate any behavioral or emotional problem in your life, please call us at (415) 506-4472.

If you haven’t yet eliminated at least one of your limiting self-esteem beliefs using the Lefkoe Belief Process, go to where you can eliminate one negative belief free.

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copyright ©2012 Morty Lefkoe


  1. Lauren August 29, 2012 at 11:35 am - Reply

    I will, too. Every other method I’ve read “talks too much” and requires that one, like Morty describes, has to continually “work” on it instead of eliminating them. This has turned my life around like no other book or CD I’ve seen.

  2. Alex August 29, 2012 at 2:59 am - Reply

    I support TLM and I always will.

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