A Recent Success Story

I was gifted with young onset Parkinson’s disease and experienced the Identity Loss phenomenon of a retiree. To be honest, I have not been able to shake it off over these past 7 years – until I came across the Lefkoe Method. I am starting to feel like I do matter and I am still relevant with or without my fancy job or my one “normal” body. That is the gift you are still giving.
-Christine Newman

Video Transcript (lightly edited)

Hi. I’m Shelly Lefkoe. Today, I want to talk about the importance of validating feelings.

Did you ever have an experience where you told somebody what you felt and they invalidated your feelings?

Just take a moment and think about saying to somebody something like, “God, I feel so scared,” and they look at you and they go, “Scared? You shouldn’t feel scared. There’s nothing to be scared of.”

Remember how that felt?

I’m going to talk about a way for you to never have to ever feel that way again or make anybody else feel that way again.

What do I mean by validating feelings?

Your feelings are just temporary emotions that you’re having in the moment. When you share a feeling with somebody, what you want is for them to get “this is how I feel.”

A teenage girl listening to her friend

Imagine you tell somebody, “I’m really scared,” and they look at you and they say, “Oh, you shouldn’t be scared. There’s nothing to be scared of.”

How do you feel?

Now, imagine you’re telling somebody something that happened, and you’re telling them how scared you were and they look at you and they say, “Wow. You were really scared. I got it.”

Can you see the difference in how you felt?

Not validating feelings closes down listening. When you don’t validate somebody’s feelings, they can’t even hear what you’re saying because they’re so stuck in that feeling because it hasn’t been gotten.

A principle about this is re-creation causes erasure. When you create something, you create a feeling.

Somebody re-creates it, they get it. The feeling disappears, which is what happened when somebody said to you, “Wow. You must have really been scared.”

What It Takes To Be Heard

If you want to speak to somebody and you want them to hear you, you have to validate their feelings first so that the feeling goes away, and then they can hear what you have to say.

When you validate somebody’s feelings, they feel seen and heard, and in my experience, that’s what people really want.

We just want to feel seen and heard.

The Benefits Of Validating Feelings

Validating feelings allows people to grow. It allows them to get rid of the feeling and then re-look at the circumstances of the situation and reassess because they’re no longer stuck with that feeling. They have the ability to reassess the situation so they can learn and grow.

It also opens up your conversation to listening, because once the feeling disappears you can now have a conversation to move the situation forward or to see how you could keep it from happening that way next time.

When somebody validates your feelings, it increases a closeness in the relationship because you appreciate that that person got you, and, therefore, you feel closer to them.

What Stops People From Validating Feelings

What gets in the way of people validating feelings are beliefs.

If somebody says something negative to you, or if your child mouths off at you and they get upset or angry and you believe children should be respectful, children shouldn’t speak to parents a certain way, then you’re not going to be able to validate their feelings. You might say, “Don’t you dare speak to me that way.”

A good example of this is when Brittany was young, she would get really angry at me and one day she said, “I hate you,” and if I had said to her, “Don’t you dare speak to me that way,” she’d still have the feeling. She would just have to suppress it, and it doesn’t work well to do that.

So instead I said, “Wow. You must be really angry to feel like you hate me right now. I got it.”

She said, “I don’t hate you. I’m just mad at you.”

I said, “You’re really mad at me, sweetheart. I got it.”

She then said, “Well, I’m not mad at you. I’m mad at your behavior.”

I started to laugh.”I got it, sweetie.”

Then she said, “Mom, I know you didn’t mean it. I just got upset. I wish you wouldn’t do that.”

It was miraculous.

The more I got it, the more the feeling dissipated and dissipated until the feeling disappeared. It was one of the most powerful interactions I had with Brittany.

A Few Big Misconceptions

Sometimes, people think that validating feelings means that you agree with what the person is saying, and it doesn’t mean that. Validating feelings just means I get that right now, you feel this way.

The truth is whether you get it or you don’t, someone feels the way they do.

One of my old teachers used to say, “You always have a choice in life. You could either resist the way it is or accept the way it is, but either way, it is the way it is.”

When you’re validating feelings, you’re not agreeing with the person. You’re just getting that’s how they feel.

Some people might think you’re making what they did okay. You’re not doing that either.

A Reason People Often Fail To Validate Feelings

People want you to be positive. They think everything should be positive, so they want to fix it, make it better, make it go away so that you can be happy.

Here’s How To Validate Feelings (And How “Not” To)

Listen from the person’s point of view.

If I were in their shoes, wouldn’t I feel the same way they do?

One of the things you really have to be careful of is not saying, “I got it” like it’s a technique to get what you want from the person. It has to be real. You have to want the other person’s well-being. You have to really want them to feel your empathy and your connection.

Saying the words “I got it” means it is real for me that you feel this way. That’s all it is. It is real for me. I got it.

You’re scared. You’re angry. You’re sad. You wish I wouldn’t do that. I got it.

You hate when I interrupt you. I got it.

After that, apologize or don’t apologize. Change or don’t change. That’s up to you, but before you move forward, validate their feelings.

Thanks for listening and have a great day.

How To Regain Your Natural State Of confidence

When you set a challenging goal, does a little voice creep in asking “Can I really do this?”  Do you get a little nervous, worried you’ll fail in some way?  Do you feel that you are not really moving ahead with full force but instead are driving with the brakes on?

When that inner voice of doubt is silenced and you feel truly confident, you take action.  You follow through.  You feel like a train moving at full steam ahead with nothing in your way but the air.  Life becomes an adventure.

How do we get to this place of living free of the inner doubts that plague so many of us?

One answer is the Natural Confidence Program.

When we’re learning to walk, we keep trying no matter how often we fall.  And we fall hundreds of times.  Yet somehow along the way, we learned to give up after just a few dozen tries. We doubt ourselves.  We learned to hesitate.  We may even have learned not to risk at all.  When you eliminate the beliefs in this program, you’ll find that you reclaim the confidence we were all born with.  You reclaim your persistence.  You reclaim the optimism of a child.

See for yourself here: http://www.NaturalConfidenceProgram.com

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